Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - Backstabbers & Kidnappers

That night after dinner with John, I don't think I stopped smiling once. 

We just spent the night laughing and joking and pretty much almost crying because our laughs were so out of control. I seriously reckon we'll both wake up with the sorest stomach tomorrow. 

Getting back to the RV, John opened for the door for me and pretended to be some posh English doorman, in which he did the most fail job in, making me laugh even more. Collapsing on the couch inside, I sighed. I felt John sit beside me and sigh too, putting his arm around me. 

'I had fun tonight,' he said, smiling. 

'Me too,' I replied, looking into his eyes. He then leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. Smiling, I returned the favour. As time progressed, our make out session got a little more heated as he was grazing his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for entry. Opening my mouth, his tongue started exploring, our tongues meeting occasionally. 

He then started to lay on top of me, still keeping our heated make out session at a hot pace. To be honest, I just wanted to stay in this moment. Nothing could beat this. And John was a good kisser, which made everything better. 

John's hands then slipped me out of my daydream as they started to play with the bottom of my shirt. As fun as this was, we had only been dating for a few hours and was it worth going this far already? I think not. 

'John...' I whispered, stopping the kiss for air as he still tried lifting my top. By this point he had my stomach exposed. 

'Yeah?' he asked, starting to kiss my neck. Eventhough I didn't want to stop this, I knew it needed to be done. 

'This is too far and I'm not ready...' I said. Instantly, he stopped, sitting upright again, he adjusted his shirt and wiped his mouth. He then kissed my cheek and moved a strand of hair away from my face, caressing my cheek with his hand. 

'That's okay,' he smiled. I then got up and walked into the bedroom, grabbing my PJ's. Yawning, I turned around to where John was standing. Smiling, I quickly shut the door. Putting my black singlet and flannelet PJ pants on, I quickly slipped under the covers of my bed and glanced down at my phone. 

'Can I come in yet?' whined John, which made me laugh. 

'Yeah John, all coolies,' the door slid open and I looked up and smiled, laughing a little when I realised that John had Superman PJ pants on. 

'What? Don't like my sleep attire?' he asked, strutting around the room like Ric Flair for a little. 

'No, it's cute. You just wouldn't expect the buff and tough John Cena to wear something as trivial as Superman,' I commented. 

'Hey, Superman is buff and tough, just carrying on a legacy here,' John said in surrender as he walked towards his bed. 

'Whatever makes you sleep at night,' I replied, placing my phone on the table beside me and laying down ready to drift off. 

'Night Cena,' I said, turning off the light. 

'Night Em,' 


Waking up the next morning to a text wasn't the best way to welcome my day. Sighing, I picked up my phone to glance at whoever decided to ruin my sleep in. 

~ Text: Hey Em, it's John. I'm at Raw in San Antonio (P.S, we're in San Antonio if you look outside). Could you meet me here, I have some good news :D ~

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