Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - That Viper... 


'Em, come in...' I managed to force a smile in his direction as I sat down in his locker room. He pulled up a chair and prepared himself to listen. 

As of recent, John Cena was always there for me. 

'So what's up?' he asked. I sighed deeply, feeling tears sting my eyes. 

'Orton kissed me...' 


Cena looked at me in surprise, his mouth wide open appearing as if he was trying to catch flies. I slowly started sobbing, my tears turning black as my eye liner smudged and lined my face where my tears were falling. 

'Say... say that again,' I looked up at Cena who was still stuck for words. More tears fell as more guilt rose in my stomach. 

'Orton kissed me...'  I then broke down in tears, my shoulders violently shaking with every sob. Cena put his hand on my shoulder and started stroking my arm. After a few minutes, I stopped crying, looking up at Cena. 

'Em? Tell me the full story,' I looked at Cena, who then offered tissues to me, taking a few, I wiped my eyes and sighed heavily. 

'Well, Randy and I ran into each other in Chicago and he didn't seem his normal self...' 


'He then texted me on the plane asking if I could see him when I got to the arena, he rang again when I was in the hotel room with Phil...' 

'Well, I don't really wanna know what you were doing in the hotel room with Phil but go on...' I smiled a little, but it probably appeared like a grimace to Cena. 

'Then I got to the arena, and Randy and I were talking and then he kissed me...' a tear fell down my face again, me dabbing my cheek and eyes with the tissues that now were covered in moisture and makeup. Cena sighed deeply and ran his hand through his hair, obviously trying to think of what to say. 

'Well Em, I...' Cena sighed again. I looked up at Cena, a look of desperation probably crossing my face. Cena gave me a look of sympathy and just simply wrapped his arms around me, trying to comfort me. 

'I just... I don't know what to do John, I really don't...' I muffled into his shoulder. He then released the grasp and wiped a tear away. 

'Well Em, you haven't done anything wrong... he kissed you, and I assume you tried getting away?' 

'Yeah, I backed away as soon as I could,' 

'Well then, all you gotta do is tell Punk that it was him and you were just an innocent bystander,' a smile grew on my face. 

'Thanks John, you have made things 10 times better,' I hugged him again, smiling. 

'No worries, and if Orton tries anything else, come to me and I'll straighten him out,' I smiled. 

'Who are we straightening out?' I turned to see Phil standing in the doorway with his wrestling gear on, his Nexus armband wrapped firmly around his left arm. I smiled externally, walking up to him to hug him but inside I truly was drooling over his appearance. A hint of guilt filled my stomach as I looked over at Cena, who was giving me the tell-Punk-what-happened look. Releasing the hold of Phil, I glanced over at Cena who was giving me looks. I gave him a desperate look and thankfully he backed off. 

'You ready for tonight?' I gave him a questioning look. 

'We have a Nexus promo, and you have a match,' 

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