"Because they don't really care about helping people from the trailer park. It's kinda the reason that people call us trash." She tells him.

"That's ridiculous, I'm sure they'll find them soon." He argues, and she opts for dropping the subject altogether.

The three teenagers and the little blonde all hang out for the rest of the afternoon, and Morgan seems to really be enjoying herself. She keeps going back and forth between talking to Letty and Linda, asking them both questions. Linda even tries to get to know Letty a bit more, but it's pretty obvious that she's distracted by something else that's on her mind.

The next day, Eric and Letty walk into his kitchen and see his dad and little sister sitting at the dining table. Mr. Matthews is trying to show his daughter something, but she doesn't seem the slightest bit interested as she throws it down onto the tabletop.

"Hey, Dad. Hey, Weez." Eric greets, gaining their attention as he and Letty walk over to the two of them. "Hey, Weasel, check it out. Look what Linda sent for you." He says as he shows the little blonde what Linda told him to give to her.

"It's beautiful. What is it?" Morgan asks as she looks at the yellow and pink object that he's holding, and Letty chuckles.

"This is a genuine Japanese lantern." He tells her.

"Well, that was very nice of Linda." Mr. Matthews says.

"Yeah. She brought it all the way back from Tokyo, and she wants you to have it. Look, you put it over the lamp you have in your room, all the pretty colors will shine through." He explains.

"I'm gonna go try it right now!" Morgan says as she quickly climbs off of her chair and takes it from his hand. "Come on, Scarlett, let's go!" She yells, and Letty follows after her as she runs up the stairs.

Mr. Matthews looks up as the girls leave the room, and he sees the way that Eric's smiling as he watches after them. "Hey, son?" He gets his attention. "Have a seat." He says, pushing out the chair beside him.

Eric's eyebrows furrow as he looks down at him. "Is something wrong?" He asks as he sits in the chair that Morgan left.

"No, no. I'm just curious about something." He tells him. "Now, I have no problem with you dating other girls, if that's what you wanna do, but... Well, why haven't you asked that girl out?"

"Who? Letty?" He smiles as he shakes his head, like the idea's ridiculous. "Letty and I are just friends, Dad."

"Uh-huh." His dad nods. "So... You don't have feelings for Scarlett then?"

"Letty's my best friend. It's not like that." The teenage boy says as he gets to his feet, then he makes his way up the stairs as well.

"That wasn't a no." Mr. Matthews chuckles as he returns his attention to what he was trying to show his daughter before the older two showed up.

Letty's now finished helping Morgan put the paper lantern over the lamp that she has beside her bed, so the older girl walks over to the switch by the door. The tiny blonde smiles, excited to see how her room is going to look now. The lamp is on, so Letty flips the switch, shutting off the room's main light source.

"Cool!" Morgan yells, looking around at all of the colors on her ceiling and walls. "It's so pretty."

The brunette chuckles as Eric walks up beside her in the doorway. "She likes it, huh?" He asks, and Letty nods.

"Yeah, it was really cool of Linda to give it to her. I mean, who knows when she'll be in Tokyo again to get herself a new one?" The brunette says. "Congratulations, Matthews, you're finally dating a girl that I don't hate." She says as she glances at him.

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