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"Life goes on..."

Summary: Jacks family is in danger, can he protect them?

Warnings: None


Jack didn't know what woke him up at first. He had grown accustomed to the ways of the busy city and though he had many years in him of army days, he usually slept through the occasional sirens. Harley usually woke him if it was too close to their particular apartment. But a quick glance around the room reassured him she wasn't in the room and safely tucked into the bed one wall over.

That's when Jack realized the siren wasn't a cop or firefighter, no it was an ice cream truck. He glanced at the clock at his bedside. What the hell was an ice cream truck doing at 3 in the morning outside his home?

That's when he heard the sure sound of his apartment door slamming shut.

"Harley!" Jack yelled, quickly throwing the covers off of his sweats and t-shirt. He grabbed his gun in a quick movement, racing first towards his daughters pink filled room, only to see empty bed covers.

Before he thoroughly realized what was going on, he was racing down the steps yelling out his daughters name like a maniac, neighbors grouchy faces greeting him as he sprinted by, his pace never slowing. He ran down the outside of his fire escape, the world spinning. Until he saw his daughter, standing in the dark cold alley way, slowly walking towards a parked ice cream truck at the end of the enclosed road. "Harley!" he quickly screamed again.

She stopped, her piggy bank in arms and dressed to brace the cold weather in nothing more than loose pajamas, and looked at her father frantically skipping steps and jumping the railing. The ice cream trucks siren turned off and the engine started before flooring it away, but not before Jack fired a shot off at the driver. Hitting the mirror, it cracked with a loud shatter.

Harley squealed slightly when her father shot at the man she was going to get a sweet treat from. Before she could initially react, however, Jack had scooped his daughter up into his arms and squeezed her to his chest, her little heart beating faster than he had ever hurt.

"Daddy!" Harley cried, her voice shaking and her body trembling against her father.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Jack cried, each breath he breathed, easier as long as his daughter was in his arms. The neighbors were now filing out to make sure everything was alright and were surprised to see the young girl out there alone.

"Da-da-daddy!" She sobbed, her voice sounding off loudly against the alley way walls.

"Mr. Dalton?" His neighbor, a family man, Daniel Jacobs, questioned for the crowd.

"Shh. Baby." he mindlessly stroked her hair before turning his gaze to them all.

"Mr. Jacobs, all of you," he addressed. "I believe this was an attempted kidnapping on my daughter life." At a gasp he paused for a second. "Please, from now on make sure your doors are extra locked, stay inside at night, and please talk to your children about this. It concerns them." He then picked up his crying child, after tucking his gun into the hem of his pants.

"Baby girl, come on, you're sleeping with me tonight." She pressed her head into Jack's shoulder, her body calming at coming in contact with his. He climbed the fire escape, the rest of his neighbors sticking to the normal entry, but he always preferred the quicker way.
When he came to his door, he found it open ad he had left it in the rush. He put her piggy bank on the table and when he entered his bedroom, placed his gun, now very much loaded, beside his bed side, out of reach of Harley, but not out of his stretching length.

Harley Davidson Dalton was placed onto the bed slowly by her father, him joining next to her a moment later. She cuddled up next time, too scared to be alone. "Harley Davidson why did you go out there in the middle of the night?" he questioned after a moment.

She whimpered slightly. "I... I wanted to get you a surprise." She said embarrassed.

He laughed, "Definitely a wake up call." then got serious, "Promise me you wont ever leave the house like that again without telling me? Remember stranger danger?"

"I remember. I promise." She spoke a little louder, but her voice was hoarse from crying.

"Pinky promise?" Her father asked, holding out his big hand to match her little one.

She smiled. "Pinky promise." she agreed.

"Get some sleep." he mumbled as she laid down, but he knew he wasn't going to get a wink.


"Harley! Lets go, trucks warming up!" he called into the apartment, running late again, one sock on and the match thrown somewhere in his laundry room. He just grabbed one close to him and threw it on. "Harley! We gotta get going!"

She rounded the corner, dressed in a cute army outfit her parents spoiled her with, a t-shirt Katy had insisted on buying.

 "Ready?" she asked him, grabbing her backpack

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"Ready?" she asked him, grabbing her backpack.

"Lets rock." he said smiling at her, ruffling her hair when he walked by.

Once he dropped Harley off, he floored it to his work, set on having Riley hunt this guy down. He entered the building and stomped into the war room, startling a few, but Matti cut him off the minute he tried to speak. "Riley, I ne-"

"Jack! We got a message from Murdoc." she said loudly, silencing him.


"Yeah, he sent a video in, haven't watched it yet though." MacGyver said, putting a disk into the movie player he had hooked up.

"Yeah," Cage said getting close to him, too close. "what do you think is on it?"

"Cage I don't have time to deal with your sh-" he cut himself off when the voice sounded through the speakers. Matti fogged the glass.

"Hello, Phoenix team." he was smiling widely, creepily and slightly psychotically. He was in a van, the background gave a way. "Here let me." he changed the direction of the camera facing outside the van, towards an alley. Jacks alley, everyone soon noticed.

"Sorry MacGyver, my business is with Jack today. Hello, Jack. How's Harley?" He asked and Jack clenched his fist. "Guess we'll find out." Jack was confused when suddenly Murdoc flipped a button and the speaker was filled with ice cream truck music. Jack froze.

"This happened last night." Jack told his friends after a minute of nothing. Then Jack saw the fire escape door on his floor open, if only slightly. Then his daughter walked down the stair way. By now in the background was a faint call of 'Harley' they summed it up to Jack yelling.

The team gasped as Harley neared the van, her merely feet away and Jacks heart hammered like the night before. That's when the door swung open and Jack was jumping rails at tremendous speed, his daughter freezing in her steps. Once she was closer to him, Jack opened fire on the man in the ice cream truck.

The room fell silent as Murdoc drove away, parking somewhere and redirecting the camera back at him, "Oh so close, Jackie. No matter, there is always more chances. Don't you also have someone in Afghanistan?" Then the screen went dark.

And Jacks heart stopped.

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