Jack Dalton: 14 (part 1)

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"When little people are overwhelmed with big emotions, it's our job to share our calm, not join their chaos."
   -I. R. Knost-

Summary: When a teacher is in danger, her kids are her immediate thoughts, their well being, their safety, what lengths will this teacher go to save her kids? Can Jack help her before it's too late?

Warnings: None in this one but in Part 2 and 3 their will be various warnings.

"Missy Mia." Little Olivia's voice called as she rode her hand in the kindergarten classroom.
Mia Taylor told her students at the beginning of each year to call her Mia. Her real name, Ada, was so old fashioned she only let her parents call her that. So she went by her middle name Amelia AKA Mia.
After two tours in Iraq and multiple round world mission she found peace in helping young children. As a teacher this helped her people skills.
"Yes, Olive?" Her southern voice drawing out.
"Can you help me?"
Immediately Mia held the child's hand as she tried to trace an "A" in her books over and over.
"Molly!" Brayden called out as she stole his pencil.
Mia snapped her head up to see Molly looking slightly sheepish. She tried not to smile at the little kids problems that always seemed to arise.
"Molly. Did you take Brayden's pencil?"
She nodded and looked down. "Why?"
"I didn't have one."
"I'll give you one if you apologize." She spoke with a slight nod.
"I'm sorry Bray." She sniffled and Mia walked over, grabbed her favorite pencil and gave it to Olivia."Take good care of your new pencil"
  Olivia bounced slightly and took the pencil. She ran away cheering with Brayden who seemed to already forget he mishap.
   She looked at the time and noticed it was time for their rest. "Alright everyone. Grab your sleeping bags from your cubby, and lay down."
They all began to obediently do this whilst chatting. One girl, Emma, refused to talk the others because she was shy. She was very intelligent and loved to learn, she just didn't like being around too many people and mainly stood by her best friend James. Unfortunately he was sick again, so she was left alone.
  Mia walked over and turned on the TV to Bambi. They all started to relax and Mia could finally get into her chair and relax.
Just as she was starting to finally get some time to herself, there was a pounding knock at the door. She jumped and she could tell the children were startled. She quickly paced to the door and whispered for them to go back to sleep. Mia peeked through the peep hole and saw...Jack?
  He was dressed in his combat ready gear and she knew the kids were in danger. She swung open the door and stepped back slightly when Jack barged in along with Macgyver, locking the door behind them.

   Jack wrapped his arms around her almost immediately

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   Jack wrapped his arms around her almost immediately. "Thank the Lord your safe."
  "What? Jack what happened?"
He pulled away slightly and whispered as he noticed the children's stares. "The Phoenix was hacked. Jordan got loose and we were scared he was coming for you."
  Jordon was her father, abusive at that. If he was loose he'd come after her and all she cared about. "He's ganged up with some terrorists and we've been disarming bombs and threats everywhere. We gotta go." He started to get her out the door but she immediately objected.
   "Jack, I'm not leaving my kids. If Jordan's loose he'll come after them too."
  Jack shook his head. "It's too dangerous."
"It's more dangerous to leave them here alone." She challenged.
He surrendered with a sigh. "Get em rounded up. We'll load em in the truck and take y'all to a safe house."
  She nodded and switched the light on. Her voice took a lighter tone and an easy calming smile came to her face. "Alright kiddos. You remember how we talked about good brave men and women who serve our country right? Well, this is a surprise field trip with my good pals Jack and Mac. They are both brave men. I'd like you all to line up. Hips and lips and no talking in the hallway. This is a test which Jack will be judging to see the quietest."

  (☝🏻just a class I found on web

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  (☝🏻just a class I found on web. Don't know them.)

She smiled and watched them do as told, but inside she was shaking in terror. She wasn't scared for her life but the lives of all those innocent in this classroom. A total of five kids. 
Jack smiled slightly when he saw the only boy, Brayden staring at him. He winked reassuringly and the boy laughed.
  "Alright now. Quiet."
They immediately were quiet and as they walked down the halls Jack patrolled behind with Mia up front, a small conceal and carry gun strapped to her hip. Her hands grazed the handle on every corner. Finally they reached the end doors and Macgyver swung them open and held it. Mia lifted the kids into the black van.
  Riley and Bozer looked slightly surprised when they saw the kids load in. "Missy Mia!" One girl shrieked when they caught sight of the stranger dangers. Brayden pushed the four girls behind him, assuming he had to protect them, and rose his fists. "Brayden it's alright." Mia lowered his fists. "This is Riley and Bozer. They're brace people too."
  Brayden stopped looking like he'd kill them and loaded into the back. Jack lifted the girls in and they all piled into the floor on the back doors, seeing as there were no more seats.
  Mia climbed in next to them and rested her arms around them for a second. When shy little Emma spoke up, "Mr. Jack?"
Jack looked surprised from the passenger seat but nonetheless looked back. "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Who won?"
He laughed and looked a Mac who was trying not to smile. "I don't know. I think it was a tie."
   "What?!" Brayden shrieked. "I so won. Girls are just a bunch of lousy cheaters!" He pouted slightly and immediately Mia looked at him like only a teacher could.
  "Are you saying I'm a cheater? Because if you are you just might be missing some recess." Mia asked raising an eyebrow.
  He immediately shook his head and paled. "N-no Missy Mia. I sorry."
  "Attaboy. Now how bout a sucker when we get back, all y'all?"
They nodded and Mia stood up and headed to the front counsel. "Wait don't leave me with them." Bozer reached for her. "They are angels. Nothing worry bout, Bose."
  Bozer looked utterly terrified and Riley was playing with Emma, complimenting her on her head band.
   "So how far aways this safe house?"
Mia asked Jack leaning on his slightly.
"Bout twenty miles. Should be there soon. Sorry about this. I wish these kids wouldn't be in so much danger."
"Not your fault. We knew this would happen if he ever got loose."

"Yeah. But still."
"But nothing. Your doing everything right now." She kissed him on the cheek lightly and he got slight goosebumps. Before they could continue Macgyver coughed obnoxiously. Jack gave him a 'what the heck man' look, but quickly stopped at the ogling children. They all awkwardly stared at each other before Olivia started singing. "Mia and Jack. Sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S"
Mia cut them off. "I control all rights on the suckers."
   They were quick to distract themselves. Macgyver smirked at Jack and Jack had to remind himself there were kids in the room.
  "Hey, guys-" Riley broke off as a bullet went through the windshield shattering it into a million pieces.

Part 2???? Yes? no? Will they all make it through alive?

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