Macgyver: 22

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"We accept the love we think we deserve."
-Stephen Chbosky

Summary: Mac learns his lesson on what it means to say goodbye to someone close to him.

Warnings: slight cursing.


"Mac! Stop listen to me!" Payton pleaded with him, and she couldn't stop the surprise in her face when his usually clear blue eyes, were as stormy grey as they come.
  "Payton, you listen to me!" He yelled, his voice resounding off the walls of the Phoenix. A few people stopping to stare.
   She looked down, realizing the attention they were getting and quietly stated. "Okay. Just... just let's get out of here before you start really screaming okay?"
   Macgyver was about to continue his yelling when Jack clapped him on the shoulder lightly, telling him silently to get out of the building. Mac shook him off and followed the near tears, usually shy woman out of the room.

-With the Phoenix Team in war room.

"I hope Macs not too hard on Payton." Riley said to the other team members, as she typed onto her computer, slightly distracting her from her worries.
   "Surely he won't, right Bozer?" Jack asked, knowing the man had known the both of them growing up.
   Bozer sighed. "I don't know, man, Mac has a temper when he wants one. And Payton's not one to back down." 
  "We'll just see how it goes." Matti said, standing by the touchscreen, pulling up various files.
   "Hey they're outside." Jack commented as he passed by the window to 'grab something.' Riley joined him at the window, believing she had to know how to console her friend after this was all over. They hadn't actually meant to spy, but very quickly they were all standing at the door.
  —-with Macgyver and Payton
  'Okay, just breathe' she thought to herself, as they exited the Phoenix Foundation completely.
  "What the hell were you thinking?!" Mac yelled before they were even off the sidewalk entrance. Payton glared at the man in front of her.
  "I was thinking: Oh I know how I can make a difference, like my friends!" She yelled at him, outraged at how angry he was when he wasn't even the one doing it.
  "So you thought the only logical explanation is to be shipped off to Iraq, huh?" Mac yelled his face contorting into one of anger.
"It's not your life to live Mac!" She yelled back, knowing her mind was made up on going back to the Marines.
"Maybe not! But your still a big part in mine! How the hell am I supposed to do anything knowing your risking your life, just breathing?" His voice had not gone down but it occurred to her maybe this was him being worried. Whatever it was she was NOT taking it.
"Now you know what I feel! You try sitting at home after work, waiting for a man to come home, you can't even call when he's away!" She took a threatening step forward, him matching her and doing the same.
"I know." He finally mumbled his eyes dropping, the storm clouds clearing. "I know. And I'm sorry. That's just the way it goes though." He said quietly.
Payton did not take this as An answer, however, and through her arms in the taking a couple steps back. "Are you kidding me? That's the way it goes? You accept Bozers call While on missions, but I'm not even allowed to try calling you ?"
   Mac looked at her not knowing she knew that. "You know that?"
   She rolled her eyes. "Among other things."
    Mac spoke viciously. "Well maybe I'd rather talk to him! At least he don't nag at me everyday!"
    "I'm nagging you?! Listen to your self, Bucko."
   "You know what?" Mac finally said, his jaw grinding.
"I'm done."
Payton just nodded. "Me too. Have a nice life, Mac."
  She turned and walked into the Phoenix to grab her remaining this. She walked into the war room and ignored the looks everyone gave her. And tried to ignore the tears she knew were falling.
   "Pay?" Bozer said quietly, taking a few steps towards her and gently grabbing her elbow.
  "Sup?" She said continuing to pack up her laptop. Payton tried to play it cool, but they all heard the shake in her voice.
   "You alright?"
"Oh yeah. A little dizzy." She said with a forced smile and quickly slipped the laptop into a sleeve.
  "Madi, I'm not feeling too great. I think I'll head on home- Hey Riles can I bunk on your couch for a couple of days? Just til I get shipped off?"
  "Yeah." Riley said with a 'stay strong' smile.
    "Yeah, see y'all later." She said leaving the room, but running into Mac in the door way. She glanced at him, before shoving past and leaving the building. She heard him sigh loudly after she left the room.

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