Jack Dalton: 6

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"Life is short. Be of use."

Summary: in which Jack meets the family.

Warnings: None.


"Stop shaking."
Jack looked over at his partner. "I'm not shaking.
Mac raised an eyebrow and Jack noticed the nervous bouncing of his leg. "I'm fine."
"No, you were fine two days ago. It's not that bad."
Jack let out a exasperated sigh. "Uh yeah right."
Just as the clock struck 5:00 most people began to file out quickly knowing their boss didn't like stragglers.
Jack got up from his seat and walked to Matti. "Hey, do you have any, uh; extra work or something you need help with?"
Matti rolled her eyes. "Stop stalling. Payton is waiting down stairs. It's not that bad. Grow up, Jack."
  "I've heard that a lot today."
"Maybe take some advice?" Matti asked before walking away.
"Are you sure?" Jack called out.
"Go!" Matti yelled back.
He sighed and Macgyver smiled as they began to ride the elevator to the bottom floor. Jack began to sweat a profuse amount more when they reached floor 1.
Immediately he saw her.
She was drop dead gorgeous with black slick hair and a cute quirk of messing with her fingers.
She looked just as nervous. When they met he easily slipped his hand into hers as Mac followed along, with Bozer and Riley just now coming.
"Are you sure we have to go?"
Jack asked for what felt like the thousandth time.
"I don't want to either, but they'll kill me if I don't."
"It's not to late." Jack quickly summed up. "We could say we got a flat tire and-"
"Jack, we're going."
The rest of the gang chuckled lightly.
"Come on, man, it can't be that bad."
Riley said.
"You haven't met her father."
"Neither have you."
"No, but I've heard stories of him over in the sand box. He's dangerous."
Bozer laughed. "Can't be as dangerous as anything you've done lately."
Jack opened the exit door. "I'm serious man. This guys bad news."
  "Hey, that's my daddy you know?"
She said rolling her eyes, and her sweet southern voice drawling out.
"I know. I haven't even started on your brothers."
  Jack opened the door to her truck on the passenger side and hopped in. "Good luck." They called as Payton got in and drove away.
"I'm gonna need it." He whispered before turning on the radio.
  It was a considerable drive totaling in four hours with no stops. The town was small and looked to only have one school, but lots of churches. They drove a few miles outside of the town limits and finally over the next rise Jack saw the house that once raised his girlfriend .
   There was a sign on the mail box that had an arrow to it with a balloon and Jack knew, he really knew, life was about to get interesting.
   "Are you sure?" He asked one more time with high hopes, grabbing her hand over the counsel.
"I am." She nodded firmly, but her sweaty palms defied her statement.
As the red pick up pulled in little kids ran to greet them. The cousins.
  "Hey, pretty girl." Payton said picking up what looked to be the youngest.
  "Hi, Pay!" She squealed.
The kids soon began to let lose of hugging there coursing when they took notice of the man awkwardly leaning on the truck.
  "Who dat?" A little boy asked.
"That." His slightly older sister corrected.
"What I mean." He mumbled.
"That is a very special man, his name is Jack. Did you know he used to be in the army with me?" She asked knowing they loved war stories and "warriors".
They gasped and he chuckled.
"For real? Imma Trixie." One with bright red hair at the age of 7 asked while simultaneously introducing herself .
He nodded and smiled widely.
They walked up in a line like their mamas taught them. The first. The oldest boy. Shook his hand. "Names Jacob."
Jack responded with a light grip on his little fingers.
The blonde was next. "I'm Bells and I'm twelve!" She said confidently. He laughed and returned her hand shake.
The next one was shy and had short curly hair. She bashfully walked up and tried to speak before tugging Payton down. She whispered in her ear. "This is little miss Charlie. She is ten years old yesterday." Payton answered. "Happy Birthday, honey." Jack said with a smile. She walked away smiling and hiding behind Jacob.
Next was the bright red head of seven. "I told ya I'm Trixie already, but I'm glad your here."
"Same to you, darling."
The second to last was a little boy that was only 5 at maximum.
He was short and stout and quickly walked away. Jack laughed, but quickly quieted down as to not scare the youngest.
  She was three. "Marwie, sir."
"Oh don't call me sir. My names Jack."
She nodded and Jack felt more at ease having met the youngins first. Jack reached for Payton's hand as they started to the house, but stopped when Jacob began singing with Trixie. "Jack and Payton sitting in a tree."
  Payton quickly silenced them. "You kids get before I tell your mamas."
With that they were gone with little Marlie tripping and trying to keep up.
  Jack again slipped his hand into hers and she smiled reassuringly.
  Payton opened the door and Jack crept in behind her shadow. Suddenly he was separated with aunts coming in and kissing Payton's cheeks.
"You're so thin."
"How's the army?"
"Who might this be?"
They all froze at the last question. Payton broke the silence. "This is uh, this is Jack Dalton."
They all squealed in excitement. "About time." One commented making her blush.
They were ushered up the steps and Jack suddenly tripped  nearly face planting into a chest at the top of the steps. Payton tried to pull him back but by then the deed was done. And Jack was met with the deadly glare of her oldest brother, Weston.
  Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breaths. Weston surprised them all with a warm smile, "Glad to finally meet you." He leaned into Jacks ear. "I got my twelve gage loaded in the corner if you decide to do something stupid."
  Jack tried not to show fear. "Uh. Won't be-no need for that." He stuttered slightly. "Wouldn't dream of doing something stupid here."
  Weston nodded and walked away, but before Jack could recover from the encounter, Owen, his slightly younger brother stepped up. "Names Owen. That's Wes. Don't worry none bout him. He's all bark no bite." Jack nodded and tried to relax.
  "If you think he was bad, wait until you see Paps."
Payton quickly hugged her brothers and the meeting went on with her mother kissing Jacks cheek and hugging him. "So glad to meet you!"
  The day progressed slowly with a few shooting at target games which Jack tried his best at. Surprisingly, he did better than some family, but Payton took the lead in points. She reloaded another shell and took down a beer bottle. "That's how it's done boys." Owen yelled out.
  They all cheered and Jack smiled.
Just when the day was going so great in walked Paps.
  "Is that my daughter?" He gasped out limping along with a stick.
"Yes, Papa." She hugged him tightly and tried to savor his comforting feeling.
  "Who's that?" He raised his stick to Jack and Jack really did swallow in fear.
"I'm Jack Dalton, sir."
"Jack Dalton eh? Ever been in the Delta force?"
"Yes, sir."
"I heard stories about you young man. Many stories."
  Jack grimaced.
"You saved a lot of men back in 01, ya know?"
"Not near enough, sir." Jack hoped this was a good answer.
The man seemed to think a moment and nodded in approval.
"You take care o my daughter ya here? Or I gotta grab the boys and call some buddies o mine?"
"No sir. I will sir."
He nodded and began to sit in a chair.

And the day continued. Payton had let loose a breath and in bed later that night he told her she had a pretty good family there. Payton mumbled I her half sleep state.

"You joined it today."

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