MacGyver: 5

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"Mistakes are proof that you are trying."

Summary: A person who gives back to the community, whom is well acquainted with Macgyver, is given a desperate life threatening scare. How will Mac react to her in the hospital?

This goes into the present problem of Animal Cruelty.

Warnings: None.

I've been leading the animal rescue department (ARD) for eight years now. We were only ever called in on big assignments on more than 50 animals hoarding for meat or abuse cases. We had just recently gotten called on one of the biggest cases so far. Two hundred and ninety five animals all together. Two hundred dogs and cats. Rabbits, chickens, small animals filled up the rest of the space.
I used to work for the marines in , bomb explosives and airpiloting and more than not went to Afghanistan to stop drug rings.
For that reason I get sometimes called in for Phoenix foundation to help out on big cases.
But in all my time working for everybody sometimes the animals got worse than the memories of Afghanistan.
I sighed and leaned back into the roller chair. I was at Macs and Bozers and my place and currently going through The pictures and videos of the place we were saving so we could nail these guys.
I had worked on transferring the animals the past week and finally got to come home and was ready to leave it behind when I found the paperwork on it sitting on my desk.
I looked to the clocks
and saw 1:30 am. I glanced over to Bozer asleep on the couch. He fell asleep to a commercial on callouses on your feet. I bet he's having an interesting dream.
Mac still hasn't come home yet and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I quickly typed in my password and his name popped up. Calling him it went straight to voicemail. I called Jack. He picked up after the third ring.
"Hey girlie wassup? And why are you awake?" He asked sounding a tad worried but masking it Farley well.
"Not much just got back from a case and working on the paper work. Hey is Mac with you?" I asked trying to find out where the heck he is.
"Yes, Romeo is with me. And he's on his way home, Princess. Should be back in about twenty minutes." He said teasingly.
I sighed in relief. "Give him the phone. I have some words for him."
He laughed and told Mac that and wished him luck before handing him the phone.
"Yes, darlin?" He said trying to be able to get on the good side of the conversation.
"Wheres your phone?" I heard chuckling coming from Jack. I assumed he had it on the car thing changing my earlier assumption of his cell phone.
"Um... Probably traveling down the Mississippi River if it didn't find land."
I chuckled a little. "That's a pretty good excuse, what happened?"
"Well, I was taking a picture of this really cool pic of the river and I sorta tripped." He said kind of nervous.
"Wait let me get this straight. The Great Angus Macgyver tripped and dropped his phone in the river?"
He sighed in embarrassment as Jack laughed after we sobered up I asked.
"Get home soon I need help with the new project."
"That bad, huh?" He asked,
"Worse. Gotta go Boze is yelling for me. Love ya."
I could almost see his blush. "Love ya too."
With that the call ended and I walked over to an awake Bozer.
"Hey, Bozer. Welcome to the land of the living." I teased.
He smiled. "You try being as amazing as me then see how easy it is."
I only nodded as I started to feel dizzy. He rambled about a new idea for a movie and my eyes got blurrier.
Soon they closed completely and Bosers voice sounded like it was going through water.
"Boze. I don't feel so hot."
And then all went black.

Macs pov.
Jacks phone rang again and it went to the car. He looked at me funny when we read Bozer as the name. Clicking accept Jack asked what was up.
"Jack is Mac there?"
Man, I'm just popular tonight.
"Right here." I said taking a swig of my water bottle.
"It's Megan. We're on our way to memorial hospital. She fainted and I could barely find a pulse."
I choked on my water.
He hung up and we did a U heading to the hospital.

Bursting through the doors I immediately saw Bozer. "What happened?"
"She was just fine and listening to my movie idea when she said she didn't feel to hot and fell. I managed to catch her and checked her pulse. Dude I couldn't find one for a little while. She barely was breathing and I called 911. I called you when we were in the ambulance. I don't know anything yet." He said looking down to the tiles. I put an arm on his shoulder just as a doc came in and said loudly. "Megan Ires?"
I immediately along with the others walked to him.
"Are you relatives?" He asked.
"Their dead. We're the closest ones. How is she doc?" I asked urgently.
"It was close but she'll be okay. Has she been around any animals lately and overworked?" He asked us.
We paled.
"She rescued a bunch of animals for their organization. She's the leader and just got back tonight." I told him.
"Why was she bit?" Jack asked.
"I'm guessing they were horrible conditions and were there over a week. She picked up a virus but it seemed we got her just in time. Is any of you a Angus?"
I nodded and he asked to see me alone.
I walked with him to her room. Where I heard her yelling. He stopped me from going in.
"Has she been any wars?"
I nodded again. "She has flashbacks when things happen. I gotta stop her before she hurts herself."
I ran in and told him to get Bozer and Jack. I needed help from people she knows.
She was flopping on the bed and spazzing and clawing at the nurses. She yelled. "Angus! Gus help me!"
I knew where this vision was from.
South Afghanistan. The worst one.
The nurses got out of the way and Jack and Bozer ran in each grabbing an arm.
"Mac! Mac help!" She continued to fight and yell.
I walked towards her head. "Hey I'm here. Megan I'm right here."
She started to cry and continued to scream.
"Meg's stop. Megan I'm right here. Your not in Afghanistan! Your in the hospital. Meg's he can't hurt you no more." I said and her sobs died down and she slowly semi relaxed.
Sitting in one of the chairs I looked up at Bozer and Jack with tears in my eyes.
"Why did she have to go through that?" I whispered.
Jack sat next to me. "I don't know, buddy. But i know it made her what she is today."

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