Jack Dalton:15-Francis

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"Kindness is not an act, it's a life style."
   -Anthony Douglas Williams

Summary: Jack is seeing someone, who teaches the team a lesson they won't soon forget.

Warnings: None.

Not continued from 14


Mac asked raising an eyebrow. There was no way this was possible.
"Yes, I'm not lying." Jack looked completely poked face and Macgyver knew he had to be telling the truth.
Riley laughed. "So you're telling me, you've been dating a girl and she's not a total, buff tough girl? And she volunteers at a nursing home?"
"Well yes and no. She volunteers there, but she's a total bad girl. Just not been in wars and stuff."
"When can we meet her?" Madi asked looking at Jack.
"Wha-you-I mean- well whenever. She's just volunteering now. So yeah whenever." Jack stuttered over his words.
"Great. Let's go now." Madi said as she began to walk out the door.
"What? Like now now?"
"Yes. Stop doddling we don't have all day."
Outside the entrance Jacks hand shook above the red button that buzzed them in. A voice echoed through. "Name and Resident you have come to visit."
"Hey, Melanie. Is Fin here?"
"Oh. Jack it's you. Yeah she's just wrapping up. Come on in." The locks clicked open and together the team walked into the old smelling building.
"Ugh. I hate the way these places smell." Riley groaned.
"I don't smell anything." Jack responded glancing down the halls for the cheery red headed girl that was Melanie, Finns best friend.
"That's because you already smell like an old man."
Jack shoved her slightly and Macgyver laughed but quickly cut himself off when heard a melodic voice through the air.
"Alright. One more and then I got to do some rounds. This ones for all those in the wars. Letters from Home John Michael Montgomery. "
Some strumming played and they rounded the corner to see a glass cubicle like room and in it a beautiful blonde, though rather short, standing high and mighty.

My Dearest son, it's almost June
I hope this letter catches up with you
And finds you well
It's been dry
But they're callin' for rain
And everything's the same old same
In Johnsonville
Your stubborn old daddy
Ain't said too much
But I'm sure you know
He sends his love

And she goes on
In a letter from home

I hold it up and show my buddies
Like we ain't scared
And our boots ain't muddy
And they all laugh
Like there's something funny
'Bout the way I talk
When I say, "Mamma sends her best, y'all"

I fold it up and put it in my shirt
Pick up my gun and get back to work
And it keeps me drivin' on
Waitin' on letters from home

Mac elbowed Jack as they leaned against the glass entrance way, her still not noticing them. Her eyes were entranced with her patients. "She can sing." Jack nodded.
"She loves to."

My dearest love, it's almost dawn
I've been lyin' here all night long
Wonderin' where you might be
I saw your mamma
And I showed her the ring
Man on the television
Said something
So I couldn't sleep
But I'll be alright,
I'm just missin' you
And this is me kissin' you
X's and O's in a letter from home

I hold it up and show my buddies
Like we ain't scared
And our boots ain't muddy
And they all laugh
'Cause she calls me honey,
But they take it hard
'Cause I don't read the good parts

I fold it up and put it in my shirt
Pick up my gun and get back to work
And it keeps me drivin' on
Waitin' on letters from home
She had finally noticed the group standing at the entrance, her eyes met with Jack and she smiled slightly in surprise, but knew she couldn't stop the song. The patients looked forward to the songs she sung like one would look forward to lunch in school. So she kept paying and refunded to look at his team, for fear rejection.

Dear son, I know I ain't written
I'm Sittin' here tonight alone in the kitchen
It occurs to me
I might not have said it
So I'll say it now
"Son, You make me proud"

I hold it up and show my buddies
Like we ain't scared
And our boots ain't muddy
But no one laughs
'Cause there's ain't nothin' funny
When a soldier cries
And I just wipe my eyes

I fold it up and put it in my shirt
Pick up my gun and get back to work
And it keeps me drivin' on
Waitin' on letters from home

When the final chord was strummed she looked down slightly. One lady coughed rather loudly not being able to control herself. Finn immediately got up and walked to the lady. She held the lady's hand and spoke in a soft voice. "Francis sweetheart. Let me get you some water." The woman refused to let go of her hand, just like Finn knew she would. After Francis took a drink her grip tightened and loosened every few seconds.
Finn finally waved the small group in. Jack was the first to reach her. "Hey, darling."
Finn ducked into a blush and didn't pull away from Francis' hand. She met the groups eyes after a second. "This is Francis. She can't talk and doesn't understand a lot of things. But she understands touch and singing."
They all kind of nodded in understanding. Finn took her other hand and loosened Francis' hand. "Hey, Francis. I have to go help other people now." The lady didn't respond, but held on tighter. She did this every time. It made going away harder but Finn still pulled away, but made a mental note to come back to Francis before she left.
She stood towards the group. "Y'all must be Jack's team."
"I'm Macgyver." The blonde said reaching out a hand. "You have a voice for sure."
"Thanks. I like to send for these guys but not so much other people."
"I'm Madi." The second said and Finnley shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Finnley."
"Riley." The last said shifting her bag slightly.
"Your the analyst?"
"More or less."
They laughed slightly.
"So Jack, I have to finish my runs. Keep an eye on Frank. I'll be back in ten minutes tops then we can get pizza or something?"
He nodded, knowing Frank was the man who like to try and make his grand escape in his wheel chair.
After she left he looked at them expectantly.
Finally Riley answered his silent question. "She's nice."
"She's strong." Mac commented.
"Good pick Jack." Madi finished.
Jack sighed in relief. "Good."

Okay I know this kind of sucked and it didn't continue the last
. But I want y'all to know. I was at the nursing home with my sis, and this lady , Francis, made an impression on us earlier. So we went to her room later after school. And we sang awhile and held hands.
See she couldn't talk or understand but she did understand the power of a hand hold. And when we filled the awkward air with "into the garden" and other hymns, including a few old country songs, her eyes lit up and she teared slightly. You could tell she understood when we started to sing and she even tried to hum along. It was an amazing connection, I'm telling you guys. So we will be volunteering there in the summer and during breaks. Cool right? Isn't it funny how she could make this kind of impression on us in the few minutes we saw her?
We later found out she had no visitors ever. And she just needed someone . I'm telling you, there is nothing like the feeling of when your that someone.

Alright thanks. This is honor of you Francis. Love you girl 😘

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