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Requested by CassAngel1 lol I don't know what name you want so I'll just use Cassie.
   Now on with the story for
A-n-g-u-s— MACGYVER

Cassie had been seeing Macgyver for well over three years. It had been...interesting to say the least. They had met when she left Kohl's one stormy day. She had run to her car and started it  fairly quickly. As she put the the car in reverse, a man around her
age, ran straight behind her, thus Cassie had run over the famous Macgyver. When she tried to get out to check on him, he was already attempting to get on his feet, swaying only slightly.
    Without warning he had opened the passenger door and hopped in, desperate for a ride. "That guy in the red hoodie?" he pointed to make sure she saw him. It was a tall guy getting into a fast looking red convertible, it taking off on an amazing pace. "Follow him." And she did. The car spun slightly in the wet concrete, but she had a strong handle on the steering wheel, her fathers blood running through her. Who was she to judge on who this guy stalked? But in reality she was thinking. 'Oh gosh. Cute guy in car. MY car. And we're already committing like a hundred crimes together!' as she sped past another red light. Who the hell was this guy?

    Her heart raced as he told her to take a back alley and cut him off. Doing a slight two-wheeler she did this and the red hooded guy slammed on the brakes. The blonde got out and grabbed a hold of the slightly shaken up man. "Alright hands behind your back." he mumbled cuffing him. "Jack, I got him." he said bringing his hand up to his ear.

   After the man securely had the man tied against the trunk, he walked over to Cassie, his smile wide. "Sorry, 'bout this. I'm MacGyver."

"Cassie." she said simply, bracing herself on the cars hood. The rain had let up, and it was just drizzling now. They heard the sirens coming down the highway and he shot her a relaxing look. "If you leave now, I'll make sure they don't ticket you for anything." he commented gesturing to the road.

  She nodded, not even going to try and question him. "Consider me gone." As she got into the car, he leaned into her window, handing her a piece of ripped paper. "I owe you one."

"Yes. You do." she agreed meeting his striking blue eyes.

She had sped away in her car, a trail of water flying up in her rear view mirror. She saw him smiling like a dork, before walking back over to the man. Cassie had called that number the next morning, demanding he owed her a coffee, after all she'd been through. He had agreed and that's how the relationship formed.

    Cassie bit down on the hand covering her mouth. He howled and let lose for only a second. But that was the second she needed. She ran to the backroom and locked the door behind her, putting a flip phone in her waist band of her pants, before grabbing her IPhone. She tried to call MacGyver, but her dang fingerprint wouldn't load. And of all the times to do this! The man busted in this time prepared with a white rag of chlorophome, she dropped the phone and to him it looked like she failed to reach out for help. Chlorophome. An old but profitable method for kidnapping. She dropped quickly and by then he was already out of the room, her in his arms, so to passer byes it looked like a simple husband carrying his too tired wife. And to help everything he slipped on an easy smile. At the beginning of his break in, he was looking for simply an SD card MacGyver had taken on his last mission. He figured who wouldn't hide information at his girlfriends home? That's when  Cassie had walked in early from work, looking drop dead tired. He took her out effectively and took her only because he could interrogate her.

   When Cassie woke up the room was dark and small. 'A classic kidnapping scenario' she thought. And she was stupid enough to fall for it. But she was also smart enough to defeat it. Cassie remembered the phone and pressed her ear to the door, knowing the quicker she called Mac, the easier it would be to escape. After hearing nothing, she pushed 1 the speed dial for him. He had set up multiple phones around her house, all flip phones and easy to hide, just for precautious measures. It rang for a second, agonizingly slow. Then it rang again and he picked up.

   "Hello?" he asked with a deep questioning voice.

"Mac?" she whispered back, desperate for him to talk more.

"Riley, track the caller." he told someone in the background. "Cassie, are you okay?"

"Put it on speaker. It'll track faster." The voice responded and Cassie heard him switch it.

"Mac, God I need some help. A guy. He was at the house." she was crying by now, trying to keep her breaths small.

"Breathe, Cassie, where are you?" His calming voice gave her a little confidence.

"I-I don't know. Its dark. Cold. I grabbed the flip phone after I bit him." she told him her answer leaving holes in her story.

"You're going to be fine. Alright? I'm coming for you. We're tracking you."

"Okay." she tried to sound brave, but it was obvious she was struggling. That's when she heard the man nearing where she was and a door opened. Cassie barely had enough time to put the phone back. The man stomped towards her. Cassie let out a startled cry as he grabbed her wrist.

"Where's the file?" he growled holding her in the air.

"What?" she cried. She knew Mac worked for the Phoenix, because she was a retired agent herself. Though few ever knew it.

"Burma. An agent stole a file. You have it!" he yelled loudly slamming her against the wall.

"I-I don't know!" she yelled out of fear and anger. "I'm just a Nass car, Pitt manager."

"Lies! Give me the file or I kill MacGyver!" She let out a large whimper at that.

"I cant!" That's when she gained her confidence. "I wont." she growled.

  He muttered and punched her in the rib. She grunted in pain. "You hit like my sister." He punched her harder, straight across the jaw. "That's a little better. Use your knuckles." she bit back. He left. He actually just left the room, leaving her bloody on the ground.

"Angus MacGyver, you had better get your tiny *** over here as fast as the pretty lady can type."

"A block away." he told her sounding distracted.

"Good. Plenty of time for me to call you every name in the book."  She heard a male laugh that wasn't Macs as she started on her strings of curse words.

  After a while, the door was broke in and a man dressed in a combat suit entered first. Then MacGyver pushed past him and saw her crouched position as she stretched her muscles. "Took you long enough." she said trying to continue her strong façade.

  "You're okay?" he asked more worried than ever. She looked at her bruised and bloodied body. "What? This? I've wrecked my bike worse." Cassie tried to smile, but she was fading fast into pain. He saw this and wrapped and arm around her, supporting her weight if anyone asked, but really he just wanted her near him.

  "Medics on the way." The geared up man said.

"Jack Dalton, right?" Cassie asked squinting up at him when they exited the building.

"Yes, Ma'am. And Cassie?"

"Yup. Cassie Mcalister. His awesome girlfriend." She gestured towards Mac. Who was slightly shocked she told him. "Ooh, really?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow at Mac.

Mac shot her a look, to which she returned just as fierce. "Listen, bucko, I just took a beating for you and this," she revealed an SD card in her bra strap, pulling it out. "show some respect." Mac and Jack gaped widely, while she handed him it. Cassie pushed off Macs support, wobbling over to the paramedics on her own.

  Jack looked at Mac again. "She's yours?"

Mac laughed and smile at the girl in front of him.

"Yeah, she's mine."

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