MacGyver 7

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"Let it be."

Summary: What lengths will you go to, to keep your family safe? MacGyver is prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Warnings: None

Macs POV.

My hands shook and my breathing became more ragged. My eyes wandered the blocks like they were taunting me, saying I would never survive this one. Maybe they were right.
I was captured 4 months ago, By the Russians.
Lucky me.
I was in charge of stopping a vial full of explosives that could take out New York City. My team and I worked around the clock and gosh was this a hard case. I managed to grab it, but just barely. I dropped it off at the office and they took it away with a heavy guard to be permanently destroyed.
I had thought I was safe. I had thought for once I would just be able to plop on the couch, cuddle up to Anna on the couch and fall asleep to her breathing.
But as nothing goes as plan that didn't happen. We were attacked at the house. Men were every where and as soon as I walked in they had a gun to Anna and Bozer. Surrendering I put my hands up and stared at Anna's proud strong eyes. Not a hint of fear shown through but she did glance at Bozer to see he was completely shaking.
"What do you want?" I asked the man the leader.
"Just to talk.... First." He said stroking Annas cheek with a knife.
She kicked him in the shin and grimaced as the knife sliced her cheek.
My fists tightened. "Talk."
"You'll be coming with me. And I want your friends here to know why in there last minutes. You know that precious little vial you took from me? Since there's no way we're getting it back, we need you to help remake it." He said with a slight smirk.
Just as he finished Jack came through the door saying, "Hey Mac you forgot your keys." He looked up.
"Wow, did I miss something?"
Anna hissed at the man holding the gun to her head as he got closer and dug the gun into her temple.
"Nothing you won't learn. Men take Macgyver outside he shouldn't have to see his team die."
I yelled and shoved as the men got me out the door. I fought the whole way not giving them a second of pleasure. I kicked the men and screamed, "Jack! Bozer! Anna."
But I stopped as I heard three rapid fires and heard bodies fall.
That was the last thing before I fell into a silence.
~~~~~~Anna pov------

What had really happened was Jack managed to get the guys gun and killed three men.
------macs pov PRESENT

Anna had plagued my thoughts as I was beaten and tortured every way possible. I was drugged again and again. But it did nothing for the pain.
Annas beautiful smile. She was a guarded person and rarely let anyone in. She was like that when we were kids too. But it got worse after her family left her at the orphanages corner. I used to visit her every day and spent all my minutes and seconds with her.

Those were the days.

Now she was definitely all I could think of as the FBI finally found me and I was on my way home. After a swift trip to the hospital. Long story short I was in Canada and just broke out of the hospital after being forced to go there. All that's on my mind is getting home to my girl.
I had stopped at a ATM and managed to get some money for a plane ticket. Though every person I passed looked at me as though I'd just been through Hell.
Riding on the plane I fell asleep and when I awoke I was in La.
About time. I ran off that plane as if I had a dog sicked on me. I froze after taking three buses and 2 trains and 1 plane. I was outside the house.
Walking up to the door I heard the TV on and heard someone on a computer. Opening the door I walked in. When a voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Hey, Jack did you find anything on Mac yet?" She said coming around the corner.
She froze and tears fell. "Mac?"
I mumbled a yeah.

Now this isn't some I run to you you run to me kind of hug things.

She walked over to me with one hand over her mouth. Before she jerked it down and her lips formed a line. She punched my shoulder. Hard.
"How dare you scare me like that?"  She screamed before kissing me.

It's the next best thing.

She wrapped me into a hug and just held me. And in that moment after months of torture I broke. I cried into her shoulder and she squeezed me right back.
Week later. Macs pov

Anna sat in between my legs as we we were on the floor half watching a movie and half just staring into space. I was attempting to braid her hair and it was failing miserably

 I was attempting to braid her hair and it was failing miserably

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Jack laughed from behind me.
"That looks horrible man."
"Shut up, Jack." I told him as I tried to undo a knot I made.
"As long as your home. I could be bald and not care." Anna mumbled before her breathing evened out and I managed to undo it.

Macgyver imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ