MacGyver: 3

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Summary: There are days people feel like breaking, days when you think your next breath won't come. All because one person said the wrong thing or you did something wrong. Now Macgyver deals with an old acquaintance, who struggles with all of these symptoms.

Warnings: None
(Part 1)

HE always said I was beautiful.
HE always stood by my side.
HE always guided me.
HE always said I was strong.
HE always said He'd be there.

HE lied.

The day he left is the day I lost my mind.

The hour he left I cried.

The minute he left I screamed.

The second he left I was already to far gone.


Her feet landed with a thud on the concrete. Her breathing was coming more ragged with each step. She glanced down the side of the roof looking for her trailers.
She saw one skinny and one fat split up.

Without much thought she jumped.

Falling instead of landing she did a free fall and latched a rope to her harness and swung across the street.
when a gas made its way through a crate she knew she had been set up.
The gas did its magic and she was knocked out cold.

Waking up to handcuffs she saw a buff man looking down at her. Nice good morning there.

A man walked in and she could only assume he was the leader. "Look take my money and get me the freak outta here."
She shoved him five bucks.
He laughed and talked about her joining an organization. In fact the same organization she had discovered three weeks ago.
She was too much of a threat to be put aside and had valuable skills they could use. Such as bomb making, grappling, etc.
Either that or go to jail.
The choice was simple.


She is NOT working for any organization

He sighed and brought in a woman with black hair.
"Hi. I'm Riley. Sorry for the hole big airhead guy. That was Jack."

After a small cat fight 10 minutes later and Riley walking out with a bloody lip they decided to leave her for awhile to think.

Big mistake.

She jumped as soon as she heard a door click and ran to the nearest vent. Kicking it open she crawled with ease through.
"Stupid organization. Stupid people." She grumbled as she scampered along the vent way.
Dropping down after realizing she had indeed managed to go up a floor somehow she saw a corner with what looks to be blinds and a room. As she walked she realized a guard was coming. She took him out and stole his gun.
Turning the corner she ran in and slammed the door shut behind her.
She turned around and noticed she wasn't alone.
Jack Riley and a woman were there.
She pulled a gun and they rose their hands.
"Now tell me the fastest way out of this building." She commanded raising the gun higher.
Just as Riley was about to answer a blonde boy ran in and started mumbling about being late. He looked up and saw the green eyes he had fallen for all those years ago.
"Jade?" He asked his blue eyes meeting hers.
"Mac?" She almost whispered and dropped the gun.
  He swooped her into a hug and she didn't hesitate to give it back.
"Gosh I thought you were dead." he mumbled. It didn't surprise her. She went to great lengths to keep it like that ever since HE left.
She darted back into the couch with realization getting as far from his as possible and grabbing the dropped gun.
"You... You died in a fire. Stay away from me or I'll shoot. You aren't Angus. You can't be." she mumble d the last part.

"Jade, you ain't thinking straight. Did they drug you or something?" he glared over to Thornton.
She remembered the gas.
"I dunno. Mac I don't feel so good."  she dropped the gun once again and was soon falling. Mac ran just in time to save her.

"Some homecoming."

He mumbled.

Part 2?????

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