Jack Dalton: 3

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"The things you do for those you love."

Summary: Jack needs her with him, it's not a simple desire of want, he needs to know she's safe. Why was she so far away anyway?

Warnings: None

He ran in to the building like a tornado was chasing, swooping up everything in its way. He stormed down the halls of the oh-so secretive Phoenix Foundation. Jack Dalton had never been so furious in his life. He clenched his fist than slowly started releasing before the tension was back and the circle started again. Macgyver saw the determined and infuriated look on his partners, his brother, face. Mac knew in a split second something was horribly wrong and someone was going to get hurt. He raced after him struggling to keep long strides. The jokester that had once been Jack Dalton. Was long since gone. Behind the anger, Mac saw something that chilled him. Fear.
If his bodyguard and best friend was scared this could only mean something happened. Big time. More than Africa. More than Asia. More than China. More than Hawaii. More than Cairo.
Jack pounded into the directors office, thundering like a god on a bad day. He slammed his fist down onto the directors desk. The man looked startled.
"Mr. Dalton may I help you with something?" The man said with a smile and calm voice as he set down the pencil in between his fingers.
"Where is she?" He threatened lowly. His voice was gruff, full of emotion yet no one could decipher exactly which ones.
"I am afraid I do not know of whom you speak of."
"Faye. Gosh dang it."
"Aye yes. Agent Faye Cook? She was sent on a field assignment in Iraq three days ago."
"I know that! Why did you send her on a solo mission when she has strictly told you she refuses to step foot in that place again?"
Macgyver sat back and watched the scene unfold and he sat up a little straighter when Faye's name came in to this.
"She was weak." The man said with a scowl. "She was weak and selfish. She was ignorant and she was disrespectful. She needed to learn her place again. Miss Cook needed to be reminded what position she held. Nothing but a soldier." The words rolled off the directors tongue easier than honey itself.
Macgyver jumped into action when Jack yelled out a growl and brought his fist up to the man.
"Jack! Come on, let's go talk to Madi." Jack let his friend lead him to the meeting room and by the time of the arrival Jack had broke significantly down. He was no longer filled with rage, but of fear, sadness, and regret.
He sat with a loud thump onto the couch and tried to control his breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Bozer and Riley looked up from their electronics and Madi stopped her files she was going through.
"Jack Dalton what are-" she cut herself off when he looked up at her. Tears were streaming down his face one after the other and showed no signs of stopping. He felt like a beaver when it was making his very own dam. He had finally left on his own to build something, alone. Just when the dam he had built was finished a wave came in and swept all of it away.
"Oh my gosh." bozer whispered.
"Jack, what happened?" Riley said anger in her tone at whoever did this.
He was silent as he tried over and over to stop the flood and save some of his twigs of self confidence.
"Jack Dalton you will tell me who did this and you will tell me why. Right now and that is an order." Madi said with high authority,
Jack looked up again and finally the tear slowed down and he thought, maybe, maybe he could tell them without blubbering.
But of course as soon as he pronounced the first letter his sons caught in his throats and he was blubbering.
"I.. I yelled at the... director. ... you know?.... Fayes .. trouble.... can't.....help... and.... enemy.... director.....idiot......stupid......ya know?..Faye....tortured...."
He said in jumbled words.
Finally he gripped a hold of himself. "Faye's in Iraq."
Everyone rather looked astonished and Madi looked furious at who put her there.
"She would cry at night about being scared to death of ever going back to that place. I stayed up half the nights just trying to get her to close her eyes. She was to scared. She could've swore she saw the enemy everywhere and she relived things she didn't even want to remember. And now after all those nights of me promising her I wouldn't ever let her go back. She's stuck over there because the dang director has abandoned her!" Jack was furious again.
"Lets go." Madi said.
Just like that Madi scared the pilot into taking off. When they arrived in Iraq they immediately were greeted with not so kind manners.
"Jack duck!" Mac yelled throwing a flame extinguisher over him and hitting the guy behind him.
After the assassins were taken out Jack held one by the collar. "You're going to tell me where you keep the prisoners and maybe I won't kill you as hard."
They were outside the building now and Fayes cries of agony could be heard. Jack had to refrain from calling to her and instead they went recon.
"Keep your hands off me you!" Her voice drained off at a smack.
Jack quickly shot the man when he rounded the corner and was relieved to see Faye still alive. He ran to her tied to a chair in the middle of the room. He sliced the ropes and she flung herself onto him.
"Jack we gotta go!" Mac yelled as they again left the building running with Jack carrying Faye.
Later on the plane ride home Faye was still crying, just not near as hysterically. She had finally begun to cry herself to sleep against the man she truly had fallen for. He stroked her hair ever so gently and pushed it out of her now closed eyes. As the plane continued on its flight and Jack relaxed more into the couch with Faye laying sprawled out on him he whispered to Madi.
"Thank you."
She nodded her head and smiled.
"Anything for her."

When they arrived back Jack took her inside the building to the meeting room knowing there was a first aid kit there and was surprisingly met with the director. Faye was still asleep in Jacks arms as they all walked into the meeting room not noticing the director until last second. Jack had already begun to lay her on the bed.
"You had better get that brat out of here. She probably has bugs."
The man felt blood rushing out of his nose before anything else. Jack had finally lost his temper.
Madi walked up and told the director something that was music to everyone's ears. "You're fired."

Faye began to stir and Jack was immediately beside her. "You okay?"
She nodded before pulling him towards her. She needed to feel he was alive and Jack was happy to oblige holding her a bit longer.

This was just a fun one. Not to realistic but fun. Lots OOC from Jack.

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