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"What would you do to keep your family safe?"

Summary: Lizzy won't let anyone hurt her family. And she will protect them at all costs.

Warnings: Torture, insinuated scenes, nothing too bad,

Okay listen. This is MATURE CONTENT nothing too bad I promise, but it does insinuate scenarios. They ARE kidnapped, and tortured but LIzzy refused anyone else to get hurt.
Don't say I didn't warn you!


"Stop!" Her voice yelled, echoing on the concrete walls of her prison. The captor, Johnny Windback, looked over at her. Jack, Mac, Madi, Lizzy, Riley And Bozer all, stood chained to the walls, hanging by their limbs.
Lizzy's past had finally caught up with her and now she wasn't the only person paying for it. Johnny walked over to her, agonizingly slow. "Oh, my darlin, patience. Only a matter of time and it will be only you and me again."
She spat into his face and he lost his temper, the smile wiping off his face. He squeezed her face between his hand, hard enough she could already feel a bruise. But she was used to it.
"My love, do you know how many people I have killed, to get you next to me? All the people I murdered by letting you live?" She felt her rough exterior break only slightly.
"Yes, I remember. And it should've been me, you bastard!" Spit flew from her mouth as she yelled at him.
He gave her a swift punch to the rib, causing her to lose her breath. He left the room as she heaved, spitting out blood onto the floor. Mac, from across the room, chained opposite from her, along with Jack, shot her a worried glance. She had been taking all their beatings for hours.
Riley was to her right, Madi to her left, Bozer to Macs right, and Jack to Macs left.
Lizzie knew she couldn't let Johnny touch her friends, so she put up a fuss every time he even reached to torture them, always being distracted with her. She feared, however, soon she would run out of adrenaline and she'd faint, and while unconscious he'd beat them.
It wasn't their fault. They weren't the ones who used to work with him, undercover of course, but he had fallen for her Dixie Blue Eyes, and she betrayed him, stomping his heart into the ground.
"Lizzie stop." Riley told her quietly. Lizzie shook her head, coughing more and figuring a broken rib at the pain. "No, I can't let him touch you." She mumbled, out of exhaustion and pain.
"We can handle ourselves, girlie." Jack told her, his face full of pain for the girl. She bit back a scream, when her weight shifted and she put her head down, only a groan escaping.
"This isn't on you. It's not your fault you're here." She whispered, never having revealed her past to them.
"It's not on you either." Madi told her, looking up at her.
"Oh but it is." She laughed bitterly. "It always had been."
Mac met her eyes. "Liz-" he caught himself off when Johnny walked back in. And with tools of experimenting.
"Oh look. The man brought friends, the more the merrier." She cheered, biting back more blood.
"I did, my Love, and you get to watch this time, not feel it."

Her eyes widened, "Johnny, why would you waste perfect tools on damaged goods? I thought I was the only one." She pretended to sound upset.
He looked up at her, disbelieving, but blinded by love. "You are, my darling." He walked to her, grabbing her cheek, calmly.
"Well, prove it." She taunted, her eyes droopy.
"Anything, my love." He reaches for a knife, gently caressing her skin, cutting shallowly, then deep. Real deep. She howled in agony, as the blood dripped down her body, in seeping doses.
"Had enough?" He teased.
"I can handle it." She bit back.
"Of course you can." He mumbled rolling his eyes. "But my friends are getting jealous I can tell." He looked to Mac and she knew he couldn't stop him this time.
"Johnny- Johnny stop! He hasn't- hasn't done anything. It's me, remember?" But he kept walking toward him and Mac stared blankly. "Stop!" She yelled again.
"No!" He yelled back, whirling around stabbing her in the stomach, sharply. "Shut up!"
She keeled over, her body limp, the pain overwhelming. Riley cried loudly and Bozer cursed lightly, but Jack was screaming at the man, while Mac was stunned silent.
"No, may I get back to him?" He asked waiting for a reply. She looked up at him, spitting blood all over the ground once again.
"Don't... even... think bout it."
She gasped, her persistence relentless.
He smiled and walked towards Lizzy's right. Riley. "My dear, aren't you pretty?" He stoked her cheek, to which she kicked him in the knee. He bit back a laugh at her weak effort. "Oh look at you. You. You will be fun." He started to unchain her, but Lizzy's voice rang out, the knife now clattering to the ground at her stomach muscles moving the dull knife out of her body.
"Don't. Johnny, listen to me. Those girls you took, she won't be like them, she's too young. She won't be me, take me, Damn it, leave the kid alone." He seemed to complement this thought. He let loose her chains and Riley let a tear drop fall, Matti pressing her hand against Riley's leg, giving her support.
"She's not that young." He challenged.
"Oh but she is, Johnny. She's only 16, doesn't even know what she's doing. I'm older, remember?" She lied easily, refusing to let Riley be touched.
"Yes, I remember, but I also KNOW this one here is older." He walked to Matti, who was about to defend herself, when Lizzy jumped in, grasping at straws.
"She's too old. You don't want to with someone that's older than you. She'll think she's in control." She reminded her hand slipping into her waist line on her pants. Where a bobby pin was.
"You are right again, my dear." He walked to her, unlatching the lock, but holding a gun to her the whole time.
She rubbed her wrists when she got down. Walking slowly, and painfully. She had to go by the whole team to exit the room. Jack gave her a nod of courage, Bozer frowning and glaring at the man. Matti, stared into her eyes, only slightly watered. Riley, however, was crying to no end, sobbing without breaths. Lizzie whispered softly to the young girl. "It's not your fault."
Then, just as she had to turn into the next room, she lunges at Mac wrapping her arms around him, breathing in a scent of him and getting a small motion of courage. She slipped the bobby pin onto his collar of the shirt, and held on a second longer before, being ripped from him, as Johnny pulled her to the back room. She struggled, kicking and yelling, creating a fuss, really not wanting to go into the dark room with him.
"Hey, shut up, or the kid comes in." She froze immediately, giving into his grasp.
Mac shot her a worried glance, one she returned her side still bleeding. Johnny shoved her in, giving them all a smile before walking in, and shutting the door.
The team all glanced at each other as he screams began. Jack nodded to Macs shirt. "What's on your shirt?"
He looked surprised before seeing the bobby pin. He wrapped his lips and teeth around it, pulling it away from his shirt. He slowly maneuvered it to his hands, and picked the lock quickly, before unlocking all of them, the sounds suddenly caught off and Mac didn't hear anything. He raced into the back room, Jack as well as the others hot on his heels.
Mac found Johnny on top of Lizzie, pinning her to the ground. Mac grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him to the wall, hitting him over and over, until he was well past unconscious and closer to dead. That's when Jack tapped his shoulder, motioning to the girl now in the corner, bleeding, with no shirt and only in what was a nice looking sports bra, before the blood stains.
Mac crawled over to her, checking her stomach, until she flinched away. He sat his hand on hers, and she met his eyes, seeing no disgust, but only love.
"I'm keeping you safe." He whispered.
She nodded and relaxed into him, letting him heal her cut. "We gotta get going, Mac, Exfills a mile away and we got less than an hour." Jack said, but saw Lizzie's shredded shirt in the corner of the room, opposite of her.
He took off his sweat shirt and Mac helped her put it on. Being careful.
He then gingerly picked her up, Lizzie's face immediately falling into his chest. He felt butterflies at his girl in his arms, but kept his cool, carrying her out of the building.
When they began the long journey, that would normally be easy, she drifted to sleep fairly quickly.
Mac made sure to hold her close, too scared at her weightless body. He kissed her forehead, and continued walking. The others soon began talking and Mac couldn't help but jump in.
"She's strong." Matti commented, proud of her agent and close friend.
"She is." Bozer agreed. "She saved us from everything." He glanced at Riley who was looking at her toes.
"Riles?" Jack asked creeping up behind her. "You Good?" Riley nodded. "I'm fine. That's the problem. She shouldn't of had to do that."
"She did it, protecting you, Riley." Mac said, speaking up, but shutting up as Lizzie moved slightly.
"I know. She thinks it was her fault." Riley said, the tears rolling down her face.
"She would give her life before letting us get hurt." Jack agreed. "And then some. I know how she knows that guy." He said gesturing to the direction they came from.
"Was undercover, he fell for her, she brought him in for terroism and human torture. She was undercover for 9 months. Three of them, no one knew where she was, seemingly disappeared." Jack finished remembering the stories he was told.
Mac nodded, and spoke softly. "Yeah, I heard that over in the sand box."
She mumbled his name under her breath and he smiled, hoping she was sleeping well, but stopped when she awoke suddenly as if from a nightmare.
"Mac!" She yelled wildly flailing, causing him to nearly drop her. Setting her gracefully down, He shushed her. "Liz. I'm right here. You're fine. You're fine." He mumbled again pulling her into him, in a gentle hug. They stayed like that for a minute, before he helped her walk.
"Lizzie." Riley began after a moment. "I-"
"Don't, Riles." Lizzie said looking towards her friend. "You're young. Got a life ahead of you. I couldn't let him take that from you." She told her. Smiling softly.
"Do I really look sixteen?" She laughed, surprise by the humor. "Only if I squint. No, you're a beautiful, young but not, girl who has a full brain and a loaded gun. Nothing can ever stop you from changing the world."
Riley nodded, finally accepting the reality her friend spoke.
Mac smiled at her, softly. "Born poetic weren't ya?" He tickled her slightly on the side, she wasn't injured on.
She smiled at him. "Of course." She winked and then they saw the exfill. The medics checked her out on the plane ride, but only from Macs arms, which were not leaving her.
They ordered her to see a doctor to which she refused but after a stern look from Macgyver, agreed, to which the others laughed at.
"Guess I can stare down a psychopath, but can't escape the glare from a boyfriend." She laughed. When suddenly Jack broke in.
"Wait... Boyfriend?"

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