Macgyver: 16

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"You'll never be brave, unless you experience hurt."

Summary: Macgyver is arrested and Makayla just can't look at him the same.

Warnings: None.

  Based on a recent episode.

Makayla hissed in pain as she tried to slide up out of the couch. Mac reached towards her elbow to help, but she shooed him away. "I'm fine."
   She had recently just finished a mission and it did not go as good as they had hoped. "Ow. Ow. Dangit." She mumbled and Macgyver tried not to smirk at her stubbornness.
    "Are you sure you don't want help?"
  "Positive." She said gritting her teeth. She stumbled a few feet ahead and caught the counters corner. He sighed. "Babe." He latched her waist in his arms. "Let me help."
    She nodded too exhausted to protest. He gently guided her to the bathroom and sat her on the covered toilet, while turning on the water for her. He grabbed a couple towels and sat them on the counter top. He ran out of the room and a second later he was back with a change of clothes for her. "You're the best." She told him as he laid the clothes on the towels.
    "You Just get better." He told her, helping her stand once again. He kissed her lightly. "I'll wait for you to get done." He said and left the room.
   Makayla quickly showered as best as she could, with all the stitches. Once out, changed and ready for the day, she stumbled a foot out the bathroom door, before coming upon the stairs. She knew her already weakened state couldn't get her down the steps so she gave a loud sigh and called out for Mac. "Mac? I need some assistance."  He walked around the couch and started to climb the stairs. "Okay." He called up. Makayla realized Jack and the rest of the team dropped by, when she saw them look up at her. She felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment. She shouldn't need help. She's supposed to be a US secret operative for gosh sakes! And here she is calling pathetically for her boyfriend to come to her rescue.
   Once he reached her, he looped his arm around her helped brace her on the steps. Once they reached the ground, after a very long struggle, Jack clapped him on the shoulder. "Always the Knight in Shining Armour, huh?"
  He laughed, nearly out of breath. He never realized how many stairs there actually was in his (and Makaylas and Bozers) home.
   "How ya feeling, Kayla?" Riley asked slightly concerned for her operative friend.
  "Better. Stitched and bruised but better." She responded.
  "Good because the party just started." Bozer said as they all walked towards the porch, a fire already going for them. She noticed Mac cleaned a little and put out some of his Christmas DIYs. She chuckled when she saw the hot cocoa machine, made of an old cooler. Mac looked at her and smiled.
    Everyone settled in comfortably around the fire, just enjoying each others presence. Jack brought up how they were all like a family mystery, and Cage was a new piece in that wonderful puzzle. He also takes about how Mac believed in Santa clause.
"What?" Riley asked laughing.
"I simply cannot rule it out, with the time zone changes and everything."
Mac responded leaning against the couch more, Kayla right next to him. His arm looped around her, giving her a neck brace. She had her eyes closed and was looking up in content. "You Alright M and M?" Jack asked using the stupid nickname he came up with. Since Mac and Makayla both had M's in their name he just called her "M&M."
She grumbled. "Sore. But breathing." She turned her head into Macs warm shoulder and rested it there. He laughed slightly.
"You did just fall off a two story building and right into a garage roof, before conveniently sliding off that." He said with a smirk.
"Okay, A) don't be a smart butt," he smiled, "and B) I did not fall. I fluttered." He laughed loudly.
"Some flutter." He muttered teasingly.
"Shut up. I was a little rushed."
Jack laughed at the two and Riley looked at her very friend for the first time in her life, genuinely happy. Bozer just relaxed around the joyful gentle teasings of his friends. No his family.
"Hey, boss." Riley said suddenly, but when he looked up he did not see the sarcastic smile he expected. "What's wrong?" Bozer asked.
"Sorry. But Christmas is on hold. Mac remember that bomb you set off in LA?" Mac nodded and Jack saw him tighten his grip on Makayla.
"Intel was wrong. A man was in the building. The LAPD is on their way to get you with a warrant for your arrest." Madi said, dizzy from all the stress.
"What?" Makayla asked, her fist tightening on Macs shirt.
"What do we do get him out of this?" Jack questioned, rising to his feet. "I got some buddy's he could hide with." He suggested.
"No. I think the best thing we can do is let them take him. Then after that we'll go from there." She said calmly.
"Don't worry, Mac, we'll get you out of this." Jack tried to provide solace to his friend.
Mac only nodded before taking a deep breath. "I'm getting hot cocoa." Makayla said quickly, finding some sudden strength and getting out of the tense air. She practically sprinted to the kitchen where the horrible DIY cocoa maker was.
She heard Mac tell the others he'd check on her. She rested against the counter, as he rounded the corner.
Jack and the rest of the team stared at the couple through the window. They saw Mac come in and wrap his arms around her waist while she was turned around. She faced him and he held her for a few tense seconds, he whispered something in her ear, she nodded, and the door bell rang. "We gotta get him out of this." He said softly, walking towards the door.
"We will." Madi responded following.
   "Angus Macgyver?" A man roughly said from the other side of the door.
   Mac took in a breath. "Yes?"
The man walked in with more men. "You are under arrest for the murder of-" but Makayla's hearing drowned out, ringing filling the void.   Bozer rested his hand on her shoulder. Macgyver looked at all of them, fear in his eyes. But then, as if nothing else mattered in the world, he met eyes with Makayla. He stared for a moment, resisting only slightly when the cops pressured him forward. His feet were rooted. "I love you." He mouthed to her. She gaped slightly and then he was gone. He had never said that before. Of course she did, and she knew he might, but neither actually said it. She only wished now that she had told him back.
   "Let's get to the Phoenix." Madi said, ushering them out. When Makayla walked forward, Madi's hand stopped her. "You're on medical leave." She reminded.
  Makayla huffed. "Are we really doing this right now? I am NOT staying here and being some dang housewife, waiting for him pathetically." She told her a very determined look on her face.
   Madi sighed. "Fine, But no field action."
  After an an agreeable discussion, they were soon in the war room and it just seemed no matter what they did, they just weren't close enough to get Mac out.
   "Alright. I'll bite. Why hasn't Mac called yet?" Makayla asked frustrated.
   Madi walked in. "Because terrorists don't get phone calls."
"What?" Jack asked.
"You heard me. They just charged him with terrorism."
  "Oh my gosh." Makayla muttered. "This is really happening isn't it?"
  "I guess so." Bozer responded.
She couldn't help but think, if that night, tonight, was the last beautiful moment together, before his arrest. If that'd be the last time they spoke without a care. If that would be the last time he held her so close to his heart. If. If. If.
   "We have got to get him out of there." She insisted.
   And so the night dragged on, every breath into the air, for Macgyver. But no one was complaining. He was family. And that's just what you do for family.
   When he finally got out, Makayla had yet to see him Madi having insisted she's still on medical leave, he couldn't wait to see her. The fear of not knowing how she was scared him. He could only imagine what she felt for him. If she felt anything at all, reminding him she didn't say it back. Given he was dragged away right after, maybe she did and he just missed it.
   He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door to their home. Inside was the team, excluding Jack and him. Jack had given him a ride home.  And when he walked in he smelled the burnt cookies. Sigh. Good to be home.
   He walked in and Jack clapped his shoulder in comfort, silently telling him this shouldn't have happened, but we're still here now.
  Then he rounded the corner. She was there. Merely two feet away. She hadn't noticed him yet and he could tell she was still sore, by the way she held herself up.
   Then she turned and it was like the world stopped spinning. She teared up at seeing him home safe, her strong exterior crumbling to the floor. Jack took a step away and joined the watching crowd. She walked ever so slowly to him, Macs feet rooted to the floor. What would happen next? Would she slap him? Kiss him? Tell him she loved him? Cuddle him? Hug him? Or just turn away?
    She stopped a foot away and nodded trying to play her emotions coolly, in a silent 'what's up', but that didn't last long. She held her head down and rolled her eyes slowly, trying to reign back the tears. But then, his feet uprooted and he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. She placed her head on his shoulder as slow tears fell. "I thought I lost you." He whispered ever so softly.
"You couldn't drag me away."
He held her a minute longer just praying that she would stay safe forever. She tried to stop herself from ugly crying and just buried her head into his coat, her head fitting perfectly in the crook of her neck.
"Are you okay?" She asked, still worried.
"Am now." He flirted easily, she slapped him across the chest. "Not the time."
He laughed loudly, his chest rumbling. After another second passed. "You Good?" He asked pulling away.
"Yes." She said wiping her eyes slightly, "Awe is wittle Kaylie cwing? Do you want me to get a tissue?" She punched his shoulder. "Ow. I get it. I get it. You're a strong softy." She punched him again. "Ow. Dang girl, Sorry." He mumbled smiling.
"Alright now that that's taken care of, how bout we get back to the Christmas presents?" Bozer said, already on his way to the tree.
"Sounds good." Mac said, wrapping an arm around Makayla, smiling at her when she looked at him.
"Hey, Mac?" She asked once everyone was farther away.
"I love you. A lot." She said looking down and blushing.
He laughed and lifted her chin. "I love you. A lot, too." They just smiled at each other for a moment before joining the crowd by the tree.
Just as the presents were all opened Jack had an idea. Shocker right? He grabbed the mistletoe decoration and walked up behind the now sitting Makayla and Mac.
He hovered it over them. Mac finally took notice and turned around, causing Makayla to as well.
Mac smirked at her.
"Well, we cant exactly break tradition, can we?"

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