#Chapter 35: I need you

Start from the beginning

"Here she is." The words he spoke brought me back to the harsh reality.

I breathed in deeply as I looked at the name in the slot. Jennifer Hudson. My hand paused on the door knob for a while before I pushed the door opened. I entered the room to only be stopped by two men.

"You cannot enter." One of the men spoke, glaring at me.

"Please. Just let me look at her. Please just 10 minutes will do. I have to see my girl." I whispered, feeling my heart broke as I saw her laying lifelessly on the bed.

"I was told that especially you, won't be allowed to enter." The man replied, cocking his head to side.

I sighed and turned to the door. He thought I would play nice and listen to him. But no. If I do that then, I might as well not call myself Blake Ryder. I faked my move and dashed past the men. The men were clearly unprepared for my sudden intrusion.

I rushed to her side, and my heart stopped. My beautiful girl is lying lifelessly on the bed. She looked worn out. I held onto her small hands and felt my heart clenched.

"Baby, what happened to you? You have to be strong. I'm sorry for not being there, protecting you. Please wake up! I want to see you. I want to hold you. I promise I won't ever let you go. I need you. I really need you in my life..." I whispered, kissing her hand.

"Move out sir! Big daddy will kill you if he sees you like this. I'm giving you a good advice boy. Get out." The man sighed.

I nod. I will kill him before he does kill me. I clenched my fist as I walked away from the bed. I gave one last look at her before I went out of the ward with my shoulder slumped.


I look up and saw the one and only, Big daddy. I gritted my teeth and held onto his collared. I almost punched his face but I didn't.

"Shouldn't that be what I said?!" I shouted.

He narrowed his eyes before slapping my hands off his collars.

"You be careful boy, if I see you anywhere near my daughter, I will kill you!" He answered, pushing me aside.

"You have no right to call her, your daughter. She's been living on her own with her abusive mum for what, 5 years. She's been through enough! And now you have caused her to be in a hospital. What kind of father are you?!!" I roared, slamming him to the wall.

I couldn't control myself. This is just too much for me. When, I found out about her background and how she was living the past few years, I felt my heart broke into pieces as I recalled the way I treated her. Partly, the reason as to why she is in the hospital could be because me. I hated the fact that she got hurt because of me, because of my lifestyle.

"I know that. So that's why I'm making up to her. Mind your own business. Don't you ever think that I will allow you to be with my daughter. I don't want her to live in this type of world. She deserves a much safer and clean world. Blake, the type of person you are, is way off what my daughter deserves. So get lost. And never find her again!" He uttered, before going into the ward.

What he said, was true. I am never going to be good enough for Jennifer. She deserves so much better. She deserves a life away from this dark world. The dark world where I'm in. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Jeremy, we have things to settle right? Let's go."

"Bro, you have to rest. Tyler and I will settle it." Jeremy replied, nodding.

"This is my problem. You think I will rest on the bed like some injured patient? I need to deal with that monsters!" I exclaimed, glaring at Jeremy.

"Bro, you ARE AN INJURED PATIENT. So you should be resting." Jeremy stated with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Well, whatever. I'm fine! See!" I replied, trying to do a push-up.

But I failed and landed straight on the ground. My leg was still in pain. I groaned and sighed. Why is everything not going in my way.

"Fuck everything! Just die!" I shouted slamming my hands, on the floor.

"Hrm bro.... the floor did nothing wrong to you. I have an interesting news to say though." Jeremy spoke, scrunching his face.

"What is it?" I asked as I rolled onto my back and looked at him.

This guy is really useless. Can't he see that I can't get up without help. My useless leg is stopping me from doing that. I glared at him, hoping they are lasers shooting straight to his head. How can someone be so stupid and not able to comprehend the situation?

"Before that, bro, are you still going to lay on the floor? Can you at least sit on the bed or chair or something?" He asked, folding his arms.

"Ermmmm something?" I said, sighing.

"Get me up! My legs are betraying me and wouldn't work with me." I stated, looking at the floor.

"Oh wow, all you could have done is ask me for help." Jeremy uttered before helping me up.

I rolled my eyes and sat up on the bed. "So what was the 'news' you had?"

"There is a mole in our gang. We are looking for him, and we should know who is it by now." Jeremy muttered.

"Who is he? Opposing gang or FBI?" I asked, gritting teeth.

"FBI. And we will get him. Speaking of the devil..." Jeremy whispered, smirking as he stared at someone behind me.

I turned and saw the person. Betrayer. He and his sister will never get out of this gang alive.

By now, everything matches up. How the police found out about our activities, even the attack plan we did to Brody Ryder. And here I thought he is to be trusted. Shame, I'm going to lose a useful member.


Sorry for the long wait.... 2017 have been the busiest time of my life. I will not make any promises to update often. But I will try to. Anyways still, Thank readers! Remember to VOTE and COMMENT!! Leave some thoughts!!!! Till next time!!!


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