Chapter 27: Strawberry Scandal

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It was a low key day, you were all sitting on your phones while Kian was tapping away on his computer editing and filling out tour information

The scent of fruits filled the air as Gabby walked into the room taking a seat on the white ottoman placed against the wall, her cup was filled with strawberries and blueberries. Her lips pursed with each bite> All eyes were on her while she was eating the bright red berries.

"Do y'all want some?" She said looking up from the half-empty cup.

"Ew I hate strawberries," Kian said finally looking up from his computer

"Same," You said'

"you all disgust me," She said continuing to placing another on in her mouth 

"well they taste fine I just have bad memories," Kian said stepping away from his computer. His eyes looked tired, and his hair was messy.

"Wanna explain?" you said moving over to where he was sitting on the couch and stretching your legs over his.

"Well it all started back in fourth grade, I was in class and I asked for some girls strawberries, she glared at me and didn't answer so I took one without asking her she freaked out started crying which led her to spilling the strawberries on herself, I didn't get a lot so the next day I stole them and she cried again she was very ugly and you know I gave her popularity" Kian said frowning at Gabby

"where did you go to school?" Gabby asked

"Parker Elementary, why"

"THAT GIRL WAS ME!" Gabby said yelling at Kian smacking his shoulder

"Oops, your strawberries tasted like shit too"

"Y/N HOLD ME BACK" Gabby yelled standing back

You stood up and dragged her away from Kian smirking, his expression looked exactly like the day Hazey ran into your old apartment spilling your dinner.

Kian hasn't spoken of the asking to marry him dilemma and you wanted to bring it up but never had the guts. You loved him a lot but weren't sure about the night in Paris

Kian's POV (talking about y/n)*

Y/N I love her a lot, and she loves me, at least I hope she does. I had a ring but panicked before the dinner. Asking her to marry me was a big step and for sure we would get a lot of lash-back and judging because we haven't been dating for long but seeing her Paris made me sure that I wanted to marry her.

Your POV

You watched Kian frantically look around our bedroom, I had no idea what he was looking for but whatever it was must be important.

"Hey Kian, what are you looking for I said leaning on the doorframe

Kian turned to me his face looked pale, "Oh, just a watch I lost" 

"Do you need help-" You said before Kian cut you off "No, no I'm good"

"Alright then," you said backing away

you return to the kitchen where everyone was still arguing

"Hey what's wrong with Kian?" You said taking a seat next to Jc

"Beats me, whatever it is probably will fade away soon"

"mhm hopefully," you said taking a sip of tangy lemonade


Sorry, this was short but I have a lot planned for this story!

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