Just a Simple Game

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It was a classic game of hide and seek. There were many hideouts in the Brown's basement but there was only one hiding spot she knew of that would guarantee  a win. It was one of the many storage spots in the house but this was one that no one would look for. 

She stood there now, surrounded by a blanket of darkness and a whole lot of boxes. Outside she could hear Lisle who was 'it' at the time. Someone had already been found. 

She figured she would be in here for a some time while the others were being found underneath blankets and in cabinets. Yes she would win- she would just have to wait. 

The only problem with waiting, though, was that it felt like forever. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours and hours felt like eternity. It had only been two minutes but to her that an hour might as well have gone by. If she was going to stay in here she would need something to do, something to fiddle with. 

She reached to her right for one of the stacks of books she knew were there. Instead, her hands felt something sticky, slimy even. Her hand instantly recoiled. 

With her other hand, she pulled out her phone and shined its light on the area. Instead of seeing a sticky mess of juice like she had expected, hoped for, she saw saw a clawed hand covered in a mess of seaweed. So that's what she felt. Just a simple costume hand. She didn't expect it to move, back into the darkness that crept at the edge of her phone light. 

Did that just happen? She didn't want to know. She didn't want to think there was something in with her.

All of that went out of her mind when she felt something breathe down her neck. Her phone light faltered then clicked off. "Found you," something whispered in the darkness. 

It was then that she felt a slimy rope wrap around her neck. And she screamed, the sound choked and gargled. 

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