Lightning Flashes

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A distant rumble. Lightning flashes across the sky. You sit alone in the room, surrounded by a haze of darkness. Something's watching, something with glass eyes and limp cloth arms. You can't see through the darkness though. 

The lightning strikes again and just for a moment you can see it- the eyes that have been following you. Another flash cuts through the darkness and you see something else in its outstretched hand. It's a notebook-your notebook yet something is off about it. 

You get up from your spot and grope blindly in the dark for the object. Instead, you hands touch something slippery. You can almost a silhouette of a photo. Between the bolts of lightning you start to see it's of yourself. And it's soaking wet with blood. Thunder booms, closer now. With the noise caused by it you almost can't hear the knife. 

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