The Night Before Christmas

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Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I'm so sorry for this horror short for being so overdue what with the holidays gone. I have started a new account that should have a new story posted on it soon. The account name is EndorCiphor20 if you want to go check it out. I'll be posting something new on that account hopefully sometime later today. Enough talking about that though. Here's the horror short!

It was the night before Christmas in the Lenard household. The two kids of the house,  Lucas, age 14, and Emily, age 8, were telling stories in Emily's bedroom. This was because Lucas was tasked with the job of keeping Emily inside her room so 'Santa' could put out the presents. 

That's when Lucas had the idea to tell Emily a horror story. It sounded like a great idea. He could finally get back at her for ruining all his electronics and video games by telling her making her afraid of Santa. "Emily do you want to hear the legend of Santa?" he asked, smirking. 

Emily looked uncomfortable. "Not really. I kinda want to go to bed."

Lucas scoffed, "Go to bed? No way! Not when there's so many stories to tell!"

"I don't want to Lucas! I want to sleep! Please leave!" Emily whined, attempting to shove her brother out the door.

He wouldn't budge. Instead, he said, "Why don't you want to hear about Santa? Are you afraid it's going to be scary?"

"Please go away?"

"Nu uh. You must hear the legend first. Then I'll let you."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. But please make it quick!"

"Ok ok. I will. There once was a time when Santa wasn't what you knew him as. He wasn't big bellied with a beard. He was skinnier and had a cloak of differentpatches from the stockings he filled. He didn't want anyone to see him though for if they did, those people paid a terrible price."

"What was the price?"

"It was death. You see, Santa didn't want anyone to see him- he wanted people to believe in him for the sake of believing him. That's why there are always police reports of kids dying."

Emily's eyes widened. "So th-those m-missing kids w-were killed b-by Santa?"

Lucas nodded. "Yep." He stood up to leave when there was a loud noise coming from downstairs.

"It's Santa! Oh no! What if he knows I'm awake and kills me?" Emily whispered, pulling her covers over her head. 

"It's probably our dog," he replied.

"Could you make sure?"

"Fine. I'll be right back." Lucas walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Peering over the edge into the living room, he tried to spot anything out of the ordinary. There was a glimpse of red and silver in the corner. He squinted. He was sure he could see some skinny man wearing what looked like a cloak downstairs. He was cutting a piece of their stocking and sewing it onto his cloak. couldn't be though....Lucas was sure he had made that story up to scare his sister. But that would mean....the skinny man turned around. Lucas dove to right, hiding behind a bin full of clothes. He sat there for what seemed long enough for Santa to leave. Lucas made a move to get up before something tapped him on the shoulder. 

He jumped up, turning around. Standing in front of him was Santa. "Ho ho ho well what do we have here? It looks like a misbehaving kid. It's a shame, especially to get on the Naughty list on the night before Christmas. It shouldn't matter though. I'll take care of you." He held up a glittering knife. "Goodnight," he said, before bringing the knife down into Lucas's head.

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