Lost Baseball

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"Dude, your mother makes really good brownies," Max exclaimed. 

"I know right?" Luke licked his fingers, the chocolate goodness melting in his mouth.

Max walked over to the counter, placing his plate up. Then he noticed the antique baseball. He picked it up. "Cool! I didn't know you had a signature baseball!" He was just about to throw it when Luke stopped him. 

"Don't throw that!"

"Why not?"

"If that baseball is thrown, it vanishes and is lost forever. If that baseball vanishes, my mother will kill me."

"Right. I highly doubt that." Max threw the baseball. Luke's eyes widened as it hurled across the room until it finally disappeared. The color drained from Max's face. Finally, he said in a squeaky voice, "Well at least you'll only be grounded. Right?"

Luke shook his head. "No. It was nice knowing you Max. Now you'd better go before she finds out. And don't come back no matter what. If you do, you might die too."

Max walked out the front door, not really believing Luke's warning. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight!"

He didn't hear Luke say quietly, "It's not goodnight, Max. It's goodbye."


The next morning Max walked over to Luke's house. The door was slightly ajar. That's odd, he thought. He walked in. Inside, the house was normal save for a red stain on the wall. He was all the way in when the door slammed shut behind him. Max turned around and screamed. There was Luke. He had one eyeball missing and bloody cuts all over his body. 

"I warned you," he said, floating over to Max. "Now you have to pay the price."

"What's the price?" Max asked, backing slowly away from Luke even though he knew it wasn't any use. 

"Dying with me."

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