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Lilly walked around the gas station, looking at the rows of candy bars, glinting in the bright lighting. She realized she was the only one here-besides the cashier- but something told her more people in the small station would bring more attention to her. She didn't want that. They would ask why she wasn't at school, why she seemed so shaken. They would ask what was wrong with her and then in the end return her to her parents. Lilly couldn't face them after what happened. She didn't even know if they knew. 

She didn't want to talk to anyone about it because if she did, all the memories would come flooding back. The dark, suffocating heat of the closet, something warm poking in her side. That smile that guy wore on his face at the time. 

Lilly ended up choosing one bottle of water and a pack of skittles. She didn't want anything else. She didn't notice how the cashier shriveled away from her, his eyes widened in shock. She didn't care that he didn't want to make any contact with her either, and after bagging her items he washed his hands with a bottle of hand sanitizer. Lilly didn't stay long after that. After taking her items she gave a small smile to the cashier who grimaced back. Then she turned and walked out of the station.

The cashier watched her leave. The whole ordeal was unsettling to him. It was as if she had no idea of what she was. It was as if she didn't know that she was dead. 

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