Midnight Snack

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Okay so I have decided I'm going to try to update as much as I can on this book so not to keep you all waiting. Since it's Christmas, I've been thinking about writing a Christmas horror short in the next one or two updates. In other words, Merry Christmas and enjoy the story!

His mother had told him to never open the door to the fridge. Only she was allowed. Not even Ethan's father was allowed. That wouldn't stop Ethan though from having his midnight snack. Nowadays, he just ate pretzels or granola bars. Just then, his stomach growled. Just thinking about food made him hungry. Ethan opened the door to his bedroom and as quietly as he could, crept down the hallway towards the kitchen. 

Inside the pantry were only two boxes of granola bars and a bag of pancake mix. It was time to go to the grocery store again. He held up the two boxes of bars, musing over whether he should have granola bars with chocolate chips, or without. Oh what he would give for some Jello. 

Ethan glanced at the fridge. It would only be one cup. She would never know. He tiptoed over to the fridge and slowly opened the door....then slammed it shut. Then opened it again to see a dead body grinning at him. It's head was lolled to the side, skin bloated and purple, and hair in strings. Ethan kicked the door shut again. 

Was that a....did his mother kill....? No way. There was no way a dead body was in his fridge- let alone that his mother could've been the cause of it. Ethan opened the door a crack to see the dead body was gone. So he was imagining it. Ethan turned around to head back to his room. He never made it to the safety of his room though. For when he reached the door was when he ran straight into the body's grinning, cross-eyed, face. 

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