King of Spades

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A/N- Sorry this took so long. I've been pretty busy with my cousins visiting and I'll try to get a new one in soon. Hope you enjoy this!

"BS!" Rick exclaimed, looking at the card Sam had placed down. It was a King of Spades, just like he said. It also was Sam's last card. 

"I win!" he yelled, grinning at Rick and John. 

"How about another round?" John suggested.

Rick nodded. He was just about to shuffle the cards when Sam yelled, "Wait!  The King's eyes are red. Is that normal?"

The other two shook their heads. "No."

 Sam surveyed it. "It seems to be looking at me," he said.

"Not at you," Rick whispered.

"B-behind y-you," John finished, eyes widened. 

Sam turned around and opened his mouth in horror. Then, he started choking, dropping dead and slumping in his chair. The King of Spades turned to face Rick. He was next.

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