Secret Admirer

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Okay it's been at least a month since I last updated and I am so sorry for that! I've been pretty busy with everything along with making a new wattpad account. I would just like to thank everyone who has voted on this and made this book have 1K reads! Thanks everyone so much! I never thought any of this would get to that amount of reads! Without further a due here's the story. I tried to add a tad more suspense and gore. Tell me what you think!

I didn't expect to find the letter in my locker. It was ordinary lined paper, the words scrawled in pen. "Eat less sugar, you're sweet already," it said. At the bottom it had a heart and then the name 'Secret Admirer.' It was a nice message but I wondered who it was from. When I heard the bell ring, I stuffed the note in my notebook until the next day when there was another note.

"You know your always in my dreams. That's why I never want to wake up." It was signed with Secret Admirer. The next couple of weeks went on just like this one. There was a nice note in my locker signed by Secret Admirer. It wasn't until later that the notes got a little bit weird. 

One day I went to my locker to find a letter that said, "I think we're meant for each other. We must marry immediately." A couple weeks later the letters got even more violent. I came to my locker each day to read something like "You're so cute I want to dowse you in acid and eat you."

I slammed the locker shut. Whoever was doing this needed to stop. I contemplated reporting the notes to the police. When I got back to pack my bag however, the note was replaced with a different one. "Your blood is red, your eyes blue, come on home. There's a surprise waiting for you. PS Look upstairs in your bedroom."

At this point I didn't want to go home but I had to see what was waiting for me in my bedroom. I left the door open in case I needed a quick getaway. "Mom?  I'm home!" I called so she would know I was here. I walked in my bedroom and dropped my books down on my bed. 

It was freezing in here. I opened up my closet door for a sweater and rummaged through my clothes until I felt something wet, sticky, and big. I pulled the clothes back to see what the heck was wrecking my clothes. Then I saw my mom on one of the hangars. Her throat was slit into a sickening red smile, the tips dripping onto her white shirt. Her actually mouth was pulled back to show her bloody gums and missing teeth. With shaking hands, I ripped off the letter that was stapled to her back. It was different from the others, red instead of the usual white. 

"Hope you liked the surprise. More should come soon. To get your next gift look behind you." Signed, Secret Admirer.

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