Fancy Dead People

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A/N This story is also written by a good friend of mine. We wrote this one in Creative Writing Class for our story. Enjoy. 

The dark amulet broke under his feet, and I felt myself go with it. And maybe- I thought - I shouldn't have burnt his will.

"Nooo!" I screamed, trying to pick up the broken pieces of the amulet along with my soul. I wished-prayed-that the devil would allow me a free pass. I was in debt, you see- and the payment? My soul.

That's when the devil appeared, drifts of thick smoke shrouding him. "Well well well if it isn't my favorite customer," he grinned.

"Please Crowley- I didn't know that the prophet-" I was cut off with a gurgle as my neck snapped. Crowley took a look at the broken amulet, the life snuffed out of it. He chuckled lightly, twisting the broken chain in his gloved fingers gliding smoothly over the chipped, gold-encrusted diamond amulet.

"I'll give you one more chance Valor and if you fail," a disembodied eyeball appeared in his hands, "this will happen to you." As emphasis, he crushed the dripping, clouded eye. I reanimated with gruesome accuracy, bones melding back together, a large raised mark protruding from my neck like a collar. It was a tattoo of an eyeball with a skull, ever reminding me of what is at stake. 

And in that moment, my eyes gleamed pure black. "Thank you, Dear Master Crowley."

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