Out in the Rain

665 21 4

"Did you hear? We're gonna be having outdoor recess! Even though it's raining! It'll be awesome!" Tony exclaimed, wolfing down his lunch.

Demond looked outside at the sleeting rain. "I'm not so sure.  Won't we be soaking wet by the end of it?"

"Yeah, but it will be totally worth it. And it's time for recess now! Come on let's go!"

Tony put up his lunch tray and sprinted outside. Demond watched as his friend ran out into the rain. 

He waved. Tony waved back. That's when Tony's skin started to peel off. His eyes widened at the sight. Tony tried to run back inside but couldn't get in. All he could do was stand and scream in agony as the rain pelted his skins, causing more and more of it to peel off. 

Demond watched in shock until all that was left of his friend was a pile of bones and a cloud of smoke. 

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