The mega-tank opened up and began charging a laster. It's target, the rock Emi behind. Dashing foreward, I charged the tank head on. Just before the laster was fired, I slammed my first into X.A.N.A.'s eyes on the tank. "Freeze!" I shouted, activating my power. Ice quickly crawled on X.A.N.A.'s eye, engulfing the mega-tank. Frozen mid-attack, I went to strike the frozen tank. "Kya!" EMi's warning came to late. A second mega-tank materziled, quickly releasing a laster. The massive beam slammed into me, knocking me to the ground.

"It's done, go Emi!" Cam ordered. Emi raced towards the tower, as Alexei thew his last sai and shuriken into the second mega-tank's eye. All od this happened, as my digital body deviritizled. The laser had took the reminder of my life points to zero. No longer able to maintain my virital body, digital pieces broke away from my torso and feet, towards my head. Soon, nothing was left as I returned to the real world.


"That was borning!" I groaned as the three of us left math class...again. Alexei, Cam, and I are all eigth grade students at Kanna Academy. Kanna Academy is a boarding school, that usually doesn't allow commuter students. Of the three of us, I'm teh only boarder. Cam lives with Alexei and his mom. Cam's older sister is a former student of Tiya, Alexei's mom, who also teaches at Kanna Acadamy. "How about we go to the manison?"

Alexei glanced at Cam, who ingorned me. "You just don't wanaa go to biology class." He smicjered, knowing why biology bothered me. "Mara's not that bad."

I glared at Alexei as we stopped at the vending machine. "Mara doesn't attend figure skating pratice with you or whine around you." Everyone knew of Mara's crush on Alexei. Execpt Alexei, poor obiovus male.

Cam rolled his eyes, "I'm skipping bio." He brought a candy bar. "Emi's got a possible Key location." He left while Alexei walked me to class.

The biology classroom was down the hall from our math class. The room was divided into several sections that allowed people to work in pairs. Mr. Z (we don't know what the Z stands for) gave assigned seat on the first day. While Alexei got to sit with Cam, I'm stuck with Mara. Ms. Princess doesn't care about grades and even less about mine. All assignments are group work, a.k.a I get stuck doing the work of two people. Unlike Mara, my parents aren't rich. They can barely afford my figure skating bills, let allow boarding school. I'm on a scholarship, which pays for all my schooling and boarding. However, should I get anything less then a 3.0 gpa, I'll immedaliy lose my scholarship and be kicked out. But does Mara care? Nope.

"Good morning class." Mr. Z addressed the class. "Today we will...." While he explained the day's lesson, I tuned everything out. Having already suffered through this, I already knew what to do. Sometimes a Return to the Past, can be helpful. Like the time Alexei needed an extra day to study for our bio test. Other times, it was annoying. "You better not screw this up." Mara hissed. Knowing that detention would follow should I answer her (again) , I only shrugged.

"Alexei," Mr. Z called. "Where is Cam?"

"My mom needed him to grab something from home for her." Alexei lied. Mr. Z didn't question it, since Cam or Alexei were always running errands for Tiya. Tiya is Alexei's mother, who teaches upper level history. Tiya is a great teacher, but also a scatter brain. She's always forgetting something or losing things. She'll often said one or both boys to reterive her things.

"Well then, Alexei you'll have to do his part until he comes to class." Mr. Z began passing out supplies, as Alexei groaned. Alexei is really good with anything that involves science or math. Doesn't mean he always likes doing them. Cam is going to hear it later tonight. If he doesn't spend the night at the mansion again. Lately, he's been skipping classes and staying out late. Is working on freeing Emi that important to him? Cam may speak to Emi the most, with them being the techies of the group. But Alexei is the one who Emi perfers spending time with. Alexei is often on his cell or laptop talking with Emi. They talk about everything from sports to daily teenage life.

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