Chapter 1: Back to Regal Academy

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It had been a long time after Rose ended her summer holiday, the Cinderella was very excited to go back to Regal Academy, of course, she was obsessed with shoes and fairytales. She would meet her dear friends again. Her mother, Clara, had known that her daughter attended the school of fairytales, because she was the daughter of Cinderella. Rose's father also knew about the school and he let Rose to attend the school.

In the morning, the first day to school, Rose got up early, she took shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, and went out, heading towards the Beast's grandson, Travis.

When Rose arrived at Travis' place, she knocked the door, greeted by Travis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.

"Oh, hey there, Rose! You came here to pick Travis up?" Mrs. B asked.

"Yes, Mrs. B. I'm so excited going back to school!" Rose replied politely.

"Travis might be still sleeping, you can go up and wake him." Mr. B suggested.

"Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. B."

Rose went upstairs, and went to the Beast's room. She knocked the door. No response, she then decided to enter his room.

She then saw Travis, laying on his bed, snoring really loud, which made Rose's stomachache due to laughing.

But Travis didn't woke up.

Rose then got an idea to wake him up.

"Hey, Beast, it's better you wake up now." She said.

"5 more minutes, I'm still tired." the Beast groaned.

"You know that Lingling is coming right now, right?"

"WHAT!? LINGLING?!! Where!!?" Travis shouted, surprised, and got up from his bed.

Rose laughed again.

"Hey! What's so funny? And where's Lingling?" Travis asked, annoyed.

"Oh my gosh, Travis! You were too hilarious! I lied, so I can wake you up!"

"You gotta be kidding me?!"

"Now chop chop, we're going to be late, today is our first day back to Regal Academy!"

"Why are you so excited?"

"Of course I am!!"

the Beast got dressed after shower, and ate his meal downstairs. After a while, Rose and Travis left his house, and heading to the small gang, the way to Regal Academy.

Travis took his key, said the magic word, the portal appeared, and voilá! They made their way to Regal Academy, the school for fairytales.

When they arrived, they were greeted by Astoria, the granddaughter of Rapunzel.

"Hey, guys, long time no see, I miss you so much!" The ivy-haired princess greeted, and hugged the Cinderella.

"I miss you too, Astoria." She said, giggling, and hugged back.

"Wow, you're early today." The blue haired prince, Hawk, the grandson of SnowWhite said, appeared from nowhere.

"Long time no see, Hawk." Travis greeted, he and Hawk fist bumped.

Hawk then noticed Rose, "Hey, Rose, long time no see!" he greeted her.

"Long time no see, Hawk." She greeted back, smiling at him.

That smile, so cute. Hawk daydreamed.

Hawk had a crush on Rose since the first day they met, he wanted to confess his feelings to her, but he was too scared if Rose didn't like him back.

"Let's meet the others! I haven't seen Joy and Lingling, yet." Rose said.

The word Lingling always made Travis blush.

They headed to the school garden, where they usually hang out in break time. There, the gang saw the frog princess talking to the Ironfan girl.

"Hey, Joy! Hey, Lingling!" Rose greeted them.

"Rose!" Joy and Lingling said in unison, ran to her, and hug her really tight.

"G-guys ... can't ... b-breathe!"

"Oops! Sorry!"

They pulled off the hug, they really missed Rose.

They talked about their holidays, until the bell rang.

The class was about to start, the team headed to the classroom to start the lessons.


Hey, guys! This is my first chapter of my fan fiction from Regal Academy! Hope you like it!

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