Brotherly Love (7)

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Yoongi and everyone else in his house were having fun to the point where he showed his gummy smile. Everyone ignored the fact that he had injuries in order to have fun. He didn't forget that Jungkook was in the same room, but they both acted like nothing happened a few hours ago.

Yoongi kept his eyes on Taehyung from his peripheral vision. He still couldn't trust him, not after that.

Though Yoongi had fun, he felt insecure because of Jungkook and Taehyung. There's something going on... he doesn't want anything to do with it, nor does he want to know. But because of his luck, he has something to do with it and his curiosity is killing him to know what is going on.

It was about one in the morning when Jin told everyone to go to sleep, not that he didn't tell them hours before. They all agreed this time, and then went to sleep, whether it was on the floor, couch, or the guest room.

While seven people were asleep, two of them were taking a walk through the park.

"Kookie... are you also... I don't know how to say this... are you obsessed with Y/N?" Yoongi asked the boy that was beside him. He wasn't scared of him, so it didn't matter if he asked Jungkook a personal question.

Of course the boy remained silent and Yoongi knew very well what that meant. He starts laughing.

"Lil' bro, you know you could tell me anything right?"

"Can you not call me your brother. I don't want anyone else to hear that."

Yoongi ruffled the youngers hair. Jungkook pushed Yoongi's arm away and crossed his arms and also looked away to cover his smile.

Yoongi laughed at his brothers cuteness.

"Come on, we should get back home." Jungkook turned his whole body around and started walking again.

"Oh, and I'm sorry." Jungkook felt bad for his brother, but only to his sibling, he doesn't care about anyone else.

"I know you are. You know that I will always love you, Jungkook, and nothing could ever change that." Yoongi meant every single bit of that sentence. He wrapped his arm around Jungkook and continued to talk along the way home.


It was six in the morning when the alarm rang really loud so that everyone in the house could hear it, all except for Yoongi.

Y/N forgot about school and got out of bed fast, which felt unpleasant. She then thought that it was unnecessary because she already has her things.

Y/N rubbed her eyes and sat back down on the bed in a bedroom. There's no need to rush if school starts in about two hours.

Y/N got out of bed and went to the door. She opened it and she heard the guys talking and complaining from downstairs. She went to the bathroom and forgot to lock the door.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

I hear Y/N open her rooms door.

Should I check on her? Nah, maybe not right now... but I really need to use the bathroom.

I went up the stairs and opened the bathroom door...

I saw... Y/N half naked. I just stared at her body and her red face. I started to feel my face turning hot. Then I realized that I should get out now.

"S-sorry, I didn-"

"Get out, get out, get out!" Y/N covered herself with a towel and threw a bar of soap at me. I immediately closed the door before Y/N could throw anything else.

There's No Escape -Yandere j.jk + cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang