Chapter Twenty: The Seven Deadly Sins Reunion.

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We are getting near the end now. I mean man, chapter twenty. This has been quite an adventure. Full of romance, betrayal, plot twists, suicide, rape, and all around dark themes. The fact you've stuck around this long shows exactly what type of person you are: A monster...

I'm just kidding, but seriously, I do want to thank you for sticking around with me this long. It means a lot. Considering, how horrible I am...

I'll get back to the story now.

We waited for Willow to heal back into a bird and then made a huge plan of how this was all going to work. Since we weren't sure exactly what we were going to face, the plan was pretty sporadic.

Now, here we stand; just one hundred feet away from death.

Doctor John has gotten huge. Every step he takes rumbles the Earth it self.

"How exactly are we supposed to do this?" I shake my head.

"Magic!" Check In shouts.

"What?" I say turning back to him.

"Does anyone know magic? Cause this is like, impossible." He bites his lip.

"Thanks for the boost of confidence Check In." I shake my head.

"Of course!" He gives me a toothy grin.

Dalilah stands up. "I'm tired of waiting." She charges with her whip twirling over her head.

"I guess that's our cue." Rose shrugs.

We all charge.

Willow forms into his giant monster form.

I pull out a cigarette and Rose lights it quickly followed by a kiss.

We get as close as we feel comfortable.

I look over to see Frost dead on the ground. Anger fills my body.

"Hey John!" I scream up to the giant.

The doctor turns around laughing. "What do you want Damen the Demon?"

"You're off the team!" I take a puff of my cigarette and blow fire on anything I can.

I light John's leg on fire. He just looks down and chuckles.

"Jason! Come take care of this for me!" Doctor John turns around.

A giant disfigured Jason with a metal plate bolted to his mouth comes out of the shadows.

I shake my head. "Jason..? I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry this has happened to you."

A muffled roar comes from his mouth.

I look down.

"Dalilah! Willow! Take out Doctor John!" Rose yells back to our new friends.

Willow picks Dalilah up and throws her on his back.

Dalilah laughs. "Of course baby girl!"

Jason charges us.

I jump out of the way and he slams into an apartment building.

Demented souls start dive attacking.

Check In jumps in front of one that almost hits Rose. He falls down dead.

Rose grabs his body, but he becomes a portal.

Jason turns around and charges again.

"Buddy! Stop! It's me!" I try to dodge but he hits my leg, shattering it. "Aaahh!"

Rose runs over to me.

Doctor John swipes at Willow, but Dalilah whips his hands away. "You stupid bird!" He shouts.

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