Chapter Sixteen: Jason.

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Fireballs shoot everywhere around Jason. He runs through the now corrupted Hell, not caring what happens to him. He has no fear for his well being. He has no thoughts, no feelings, nothing. He is empty.

A fireball blasts his leg off sending him flying into a wall.

Everything goes black.

Jason stands at the altar next to his beautiful wife. Happiness fills his body. He has never been so happy.

He got the girl.

He looks over to see his dad smiling at him. The first time in so very long. The first time he's felt loved by the man.

He looks back at Akicha. "I love you... so much... you are everything to me. You are incredible." He holds her hands.

The church he's in shines brightly filling him with peace.

Akicha lets go of his hands and frowns. "Go to Hell." She stabs herself in the stomach with a knife. She laughs and collapses.

Jason steps backwards and the whole church starts shaking. The walls start crumbling around him. Hell starts bleeding through.

A giant Venny stands over them the church laughing. "I win! I always win!"

Jason looks over to his father who shakes his head angrily just as the roof of the church collapses on him.

Jason grabs his head and screams.

Then everything went black.

Jason wakes up in horrible pain. He looks around to see he's in a hospital. A dirty disgusting horrifying hospital.

He tries to move his arm just to find out he's been strapped to the table. He tries to scream but there's a metal plate drilled into his mouth. He jostles around vigorously trying to free himself, but gives up after a good minute and begins crying.

"Hello Jason the Guitar Player..." a distorted voice rumbles around Jason. "How have you been keeping."

Jason looks around desperately to find the origin of the voice.

A distorted Doctor John walks out of the darkness. He holds Sateen's cane in his left hand and a large syringe in his right.

Jason tries to free himself even more desperately this time.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you... I'm here to make you better." He smiles revealing hundreds of rose of tiny sharp teeth in his mouth. "I'm here to build you into your true potential."

Jason starts hyperventilating.

"We both hate those pesky Seven Deadly Sins right?" Doctor John puts the needle in Jason's arm.

Jason starts shaking.

"I know I do. And they killed your wife so... I think you do too." Doctor John pulls the needle out. "So how 'bout this? How about we get some revenge, huh?"

Jason's skin starts ripping and stretching.

"An eye for an eye." Doctor John laughs. "A life for a life..."

Claws rip from Jason's finger tips. Jason's neck snaps to the side.

And everything went black.

"A sin for a sin."

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