Chapter Five: What Prostitutes and Suicidal Depressants Talk About.

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I'm not in this chapter. Not even a little bit. Well, maybe a little bit.

Anyway, Why, you ask? Well, because my story isn't just about me.

"But Damen, this is a first person book-" Shut up! I will come to you for opinions when I'm trying to apply for an ugliest mother competition, ok? Deal with it and be quiet.

Venny looks back at me as I walk down the apartment hallway, And out of view, then he turns back to Rose.

"What can I do for you baby? You want me to change into Akicha for you again? Put that smile back on your face." She stands up and caresses the side of Venny's face.

"No... actually, I don't want that right now. I just wanted to talk to you." He walks over to my balcony and looks out over the landscape. "Can I ask you a question Rose?"

"Of course baby." She starts massaging his shoulders.

"Can you feel things?" He looks down.

"Of course hunny. I can feel you just fine." She presses herself against him.

He cringes. "That's not what I mean."

"Well, what do you mean?" She frowns.

He turns around and holds her arms. "I mean, can you feel emotions, like, happy, sad, love. That kinda thing."

She stands back for a moment thinking. "I... I don't know. I don't think I've ever tried."

"Well, can I give you a gift then?" Venny smiles.

"If it makes you smile like that, then yes. Yes you may." She smirks seductively.

He moves his hands to hers and looks into her eyes. "I'm going to tell you a story. A story about love. I promise I won't hurt you."

Her mind lights up suddenly. She begins to see a little story he wrote about a writer and a queen falling in love play out in her head, like a movie.

Venny's voice fills her head. His voice sounds poetic. "Once upon a time there was a beautiful queen. She had piercing green eyes and a smile that could bring joy to anyone.

"She was married to an evil king, he had angry brown eyes and never smiled.

"He would hit the queen whenever he felt she was acting out. He would hurt her whenever she was not what he wanted her to be. And when that happened, she wouldn't smile. And no one was happy.

"There was a young scribe in the castle who worked for the king, a very trusted scribe, who would do anything for the royal family.

"He watched in horror as the beautiful queen would be hurt by the terrible king. He wanted to help, but what would he do? He was just a humble scribe.

"One night, the humble writer took a midnight stroll through the castle. Not watching where he was going, he ran into the queen.

"'Hello Scribe.' She said with a smile. 'I saw you watching me from afar.'

"'I'm so sorry my queen. I did not mean to pry.' the scribe looked down nervously.

"'Do not worry dear Scribe! I did not mind!' She lifted his chin. 'I always feel safer when you're around.'

"The scribe smiled and looked into her eyes. 'Would you like to dance?'

"The queen looked confused. 'Dance to what? There is no music.'

"The scribe took one of her hands and rested her other hand on his shoulder. 'You do not need music to dance, when you can dance to the sound of your heart.' He smiled.

"She smiled too.

"Then they danced. For hours they danced. She rested her head on his chest. She finally felt at peace.

"Then the sun rose.

"'Oh no! The king is going to be angry!' She released the writers hands. 'I-I'm sorry dear Scribe, I must go.' She started to run off.

"'Wait, my queen!' The Scribe reached for her.

"'I'm sorry, I should not have done this!' She turned a corner and the scribe lost sight of her. He looked down and started to walk away.

"That's when he heard it. The worst sound he had ever heard.

"A blood curdling scream follow by a heavy slam.

"The Scribe ran for his queen. Down one hallway and then another. And there she was. Drenched in blood.

"The king stood over her body. He had hit her too hard this time.

"The scribe fell to his knees, he wasn't even able to touch her.

"Her green piercing eyes slowly faded away.

"She would never smile again.

"'Were you the one dancing with her last night!?' The king looked at the writer with his brown angry eyes.

"The scribe slowly stood up and looked to the king. Now he was the angry one. "Yes I was. And I don't regret it. You're a horrible man. You will burn in Hell for this.'

"'I'm the king. I choose where I go you silly writer.' He laughed.

"The scribe looked down. 'You blew out the last beautiful flame in this dark world.' He looked back up. 'Now we will all be consumed by the blackness.'

"'You will be hung scribe. GUARDS! TAKE THIS MAN TO THE DUNGEONS!'

"Two guardsmen grabbed the scribe's arms. 'Goodbye king. Enjoy the darkness.'

"The scribe was hung two days later.

"And they all lived happily ever after."

The story ended as abruptly as it started and Rose fell backward landing on the ground.

"V-Venny?" She started hyperventilating. "W-what's going on?!" Tears start pouring out of her eyes.

Venny claps his hands and smiles. "That's emotions Rose! You're feeling what I feel!"

"N-no no no! I don't think I'm supposed to feel this." She stands up and backs against a wall. "I feel dirty!"

"What?" Venny looks confused.

"All the people I've been with. My body has been... I let myself get raped!" She freaks out and runs out of the room.

She trips and falls out of the apartment exit. And runs towards me.

I see her coming my way and I get worried. "Rose? Rose, are you ok?"

She slams into my chest and looks up at me. "Damen..?" Then she goes unconscious.

"Well this has been a course of events hasn't it."

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