Chapter Fourteen: I dream of Rosey.

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She survived.

It's been about two days since she lost the baby, but she hasn't come out of her room since. She won't let anyone in but Venny.

Jason's not ok. After Venny healed her and the baby died, Jason explained what happened. She called him some very horrible things and slapped him in the face

"You killed your own child... you selfish man... I never want to see you again... you killed my baby..." That was the last thing anyone heard her say.

According to Check In, There's a new Satan, which is probably what forced the baby to come out the way it did.

Earth and Hell have physically merged together. No one is sure why exactly, but that's what happened.

Rose has not been getting much sleep, but she won't tell me why.

Basically, everything is falling apart. I don't know what to do...

Rose lays against me quietly.

We are sitting on her bed, both exhausted. It's been a rough few days.

I sigh. "Hey Rose..."

"Hi Damen..." she yawns.

"Can I show you something?" I sigh.

"But I don't want to get up!" She argues and lays down on the bed.

I lay down next to her. "You don't have to." I smile at her, but my smile fades away. "We can stay right here."

"Ok," she sees my seriousness. "Sure."

I take her hand. "What I'm about to show you is... it's my secret. I've never shown anyone because... I never wanted to let people know how depressed I really am... but I had an epiphany and thought that I should show you. It's why I can't be with you. It's why it hurts to love you." I start to cry.

She starts to cry a little too. "I want to see it. I want to see what's hurting you so bad."

I sigh. "Ok. Ok I'll show you. It's not pretty."

"I'm ready." She hugs me tightly.

I close my eyes and snap my fingers.

We appear in a small house. My house actually. My old house. The house is on fire. The flames move in slow motion

Rose looks around quietly. She walks into the main room of the house to see my family... burning alive in the flames. She gasps.

"This is my own personal Hell. This is where I go every time I close my eyes. Every time I try to sleep. Every time I try to blink. This is what I see. My family." A tear falls from my eye. "The last time I ever saw them."

Rose looks at me without knowing what to say.

There's a pause.

"It's my fault. I uh... I was a drug dealer... A deal of mine went bad and I got the mafia mad at me." I chuckle. "I mean, talk about screwing up... They tied my family up and lit the house on fire... then they made me watch my family burn to death... they dragged me to a frozen creek and stabbed me 19 times. Wouldn't you believe it... I wasn't dead yet... so they threw me face first into the frozen creek and let me drown in 4 inches of water... how humiliating..." I smile at Rose trying to hold back tears.

She just shakes her head and wraps her arms around me.

I break apart in her arms.

We stay there for a while.

I feel safe.

"Damen..?" Rose looks up at me. "Is this why you-"

"Yeah... I want to be with you... I just... I can't..." I look down.

My Own Personal HellWhere stories live. Discover now