Chapter Thirteen: Satan...

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Sateen sits alone in his office room looking out his window at the infinity of Hell below. He sighs.

His office door shoots open. He turns around quickly.

Doctor John stands at the door. "Hello sir..."

There's a long pause.

"You can't just come barging into my apartment like you own the place." The gay pimp says with his hands on his hips. "I am disgusted in you Mr. John."

"It's Doctor John sir."

"Yer dead kid. You ain't got no degree down here!"

Oh boy... yeah... I was worried about this part. You see, I've been holding Sateen's introduction for the entire book because... well... um... he's very homophobic. Like extremely. Just get through it with me ok? Ok. Let's breathe together and calm down. Ok, In, 2 3 and out 2 3, in 2 3 and out 2 3. Ok, everybody good? Ok, let's continue.

"Listen buddy boy migee! I don't got a lot of time to deal with people right now, so why don't you walk yourself right out that diamond door, and go to Hell." Sateen crosses his arms.

"I now see what those stupid Demons were worried about." The Doctor shakes his head walks over to Sateen taking the staff out of Sateen's hand.

"Hey, give that back! You can't just walk in here and steal my staff!" Sateen pushes Doctor John who just laughs.

"How are you still Satan? Pushing me is your only defence?"

"Well, I used to have guards but I released them all." Sateen puts his hands on his sides.

"Why?" Doctor John chuckles.

"It was so crowded. Now I have like room to move around in." Sateen breathes in deeply.

"Wow! You can even go out your own window!" Doctor John smiles.

"Well, I guess, but I don't know why I would do-" He tries to say before Doctor shoves him out of said window to his death. "Aaaaaahhhh!"

"Those morons! That was easier than even I had anticipated. Now they might actually need a superhero team." He sits down in Satan's throne. "Ah! It fits so nicely... Ow... ow.... Aaaahhhhhhh!" Lightning shoots up through his body and his body starts mutating. Every bone in his body breaks one at a time. His skin burns into a shade of blood red. Then he starts growing.


Frost sits silently on Rose's bed. He sighs. "I shouldn't have been such a jerk back there..." He puts his face in his hands.

Then everything starts shaking. Rose's wine stash crashes the floor.

Frost looks up. He walks to the balcony and looks out of the window. Half of Hell crumbles into pieces and falls into nothingness.

Venny runs into Frost's room. "We have to go to earth right now. Something's happening."

Frost nods.


Check In looks at the destruction before him. He thinks for a moment. 'The last time this happened, no, that's impossible...' he shakes his head. 'Unless... oh no.'


Jason and I laugh as we follow Akitcha and Rose into the house. Akitcha walks a few steps, then grabs her stomach and falls to the floor. She starts screaming.

Rose kneels over her. "W-what's wrong?"

Jason runs over to her.

"My baby!" She continues screaming in pain. Blood Starts pouring out of every orifice of her body.

Jason starts shaking. "H-hunny?" He can't bring himself to touch her.

"We need to get her to Venny right now!" I shout. "He has healing powers." I put a hand on Akicha and Jason.

Rose grabs my arm and snaps her fingers.

We appear right in front of Venny and Frost who seem to have just been about to teleport.

"Help now!" I scream.

"What's happening!" Venny runs over to us.

"I think the baby is killing her!" I look at Venny. "You need to heal her."

"To heal her, I'd have to kill the baby." He says freaking out.

Akicha looks up at Jason. "Save the... save the baby..." she passes out.

"Venny, do it!" I shout. "You have to save her right?"

"Th-that's not up to me to decide!" Venny puts his hands on his head.

Rose feels her pulse. "She's dying!" Rose starts to cry.

"Jason! You have to make this choice! It's your wife! You did this to her!" Venny starts getting angry. "You are the reason this is happening! You're killing her!"

"This is not the time Venny!" I yell.

"Somebody make the decision! We obviously don't have time to fight!" Frost jumps in.

"She doesn't have a heartbeat!" Rose starts hyperventilating.

"Make the choice Jason!" Venny screams.

There's a small pause that feels like forever.

"Save her."

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