Chapter Seven: Now There Are Seven More Reasons I Want to Kill Myself.

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Believe me when I say, I did not think this was good idea. I just didn't have any better ones.

Check In stuck to his promise really well and really quickly.

In a few hours he returned to Rose's apartment.

"Damen! Can you call Jason?! I think he'd be perfect for our group."

Who could say no to that face?

"No. You can though. That was the deal." I smile.

"See I thought you'd say that, so I snuck into your apartment and stole his number." He pulls his phone out.

"You did what?!"

He dials Jason's number and holds it to his ear. "Hey Jason! You wanna join a superhero team?! We're gonna kill Satan!"

Jason suddenly appears next to me. "Um yes!"

I look at him. "Oh for Sateen's sake! Seriously?!"

Then a few hours later Check In comes back. "So I got some creepy old guy named Doctor John to join us, too."

Rose looks up from her spot on the bed. "Whoa whoa whoa! We can't just pick anybody!"

"Uh, yeah I can. Damen didn't say who I had to get!" Check in smirks.

"Damen say something." Rose smacks my arm.

"I mean... he's not wrong." I shrug.

"Damen Black!" She shakes her head.

"So there's our team then!" Check In smiles.

"According to the deal Check In, you have to have seven people. That's only six buddy." Jason says from the other room.

"Ugh! That's no fair. There's barely any demons left down here." Check In whines.

I look up. "Wait seriously?"

"Yeah, there's only like 20 of us."

A chill fills the room.

"20 demons..." Rose shakes her head.

"We need to get this team together, fast." I admit.

Rose looks up. "Jack! Come here now." She stands up and nearly falls over. "Jees, I haven't been on my feet in a while."

A door appears in front of her. She opens the door "Jack, get out here!" She bites her lip.

Jack Frost slowly comes into view. He doesn't look happy.

"Hi Frost! Welcome back." I wave.

"Hi Damen the Demon." He says in a sarcastic tone.

Rose hugs him and he hugs her back.

"What do you want Rosey?" He asks in a genuine voice.

"I know you don't want to but," she releases him. "We actually need you to join the superhero thing." She frowns. "Hell is falling apart."

He sighs deeply. "I hate you Rose."

She is taken aback and starts crying. "Why would you say that?"

Jack realizes what he did and hugs her. "Oh crap! I'm sorry, I forgot about you getting emotions for the first time. I'm so sorry. Ok, ok, ok! I'll join, I promise!"

Rose let's go and kisses his cheek. "Ok, just don't say things like that." She then turns around and faces me. She smiles and winks.

She really is a demon.

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