Chapter Nine: Dealing With Things That I Don't Want to Talk About.

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Rose and I go on a walk after the meeting. We talk about how we feel about each other, and the future of Hell itself.

It's nice to just talk sometimes, especially when guilt is involved.

I tell her about Venny, and what I did, and how bad I feel. How guilty I am for his death.

"Why do think he's in Hell?" Rose asks.

"See, that's just it. I'm not sure." I reply.

"Do you think it has anything to do with you?" She continues.

"Probably..." I look down.


I turn to face her.

"You should go talk to him, I think that's what he really wants. He keeps making it very apparent that he wants to be around you. I think he wants to talk." She sighs.

"I'm really scared Rose. I really, really am. I don't want to screw it up." I look at her.

"The only way you can screw it up is if you don't do anything."

Honestly, she's right, but talking to Venny is easier said than done.

Might as well give it a shot. What do I have to lose?

I pace around my apartment room, I am really scared to do this. I have to face one of the worst things I've ever done, and it scared me to death.

I called Venny and told him to come here, so he's going to be here soon. I just... I'm just scared.

I hear a knock on my door and slowly walk over to it.

"Damen, I know you're in there, just open the door. Let's talk... please?" Venny says from the other side of the door.

He really does want to talk... Rose was right.

I open the door just as Venny punches me in the jaw.


Rose sits alone in her bedroom, she jerks at every sound she hears. She's worried that the woman will come back.

She does not, instead, something worse happens.

There's a knock at her apartment door, she stands up and walks over to it.

She shakes as she reaches for the handel. "Who is it?" She asks in a scared voice.

"It's Check In!" The voice responds.

She sighs and opens the door. "Hi Check-"

A black figure jumps on her knocking her to the ground. He jabs a knife into her side.

"Aah-" she tries to scream, but a hand forcefully covers her mouth.

"Don't try to scream, or I'll make this worse than it already is." The voice speaks with such vulgarity.

Rose starts to cry.

Her apartment door is pushed close by the attackers foot.

"Now be a good little prostitute, and let me do what I need to do."


Venny sits on my bed next to me.

I bite my lip. "So... um... sorry?"

Venny sighs.

"Sorry that I tricked you into killing yourself..." I feel so awkward.

"Is that all?" Venny rolls his eyes.

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