Chapter Six: Jack Frost is a Murderer!

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I carry Rose in my arms to her apartment. She's not very heavy actually. Lighter than I would have thought.

I set her down on her bed and pour myself a glass of wine from her private stash. Well, it's not really private, is it? I mean, it's like right in the middle of the room.

I here a knock on a door that I haven't seen before. I'm honestly pretty sure it hasn't been here before, yet there it is. Right there in the middle of the room.

There's a louder and more obnoxious knock.

Confused, I walked up to the door and opened it.

I very icy wind blows through the door followed by a rather attractive angry man. He's completely covered in ice and snow. I look through the door and see why. It's a tundra.

"Rose I swear to you that if you do not open the door after the first knock again. I will literally break your face, it's just gonna happen. It is so cold out there." He looks around and sees Rose passed out on her bed. "Why are you unconscious?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out my-" I try to say before the angry man turns around and pinches me square in the jaw. I slam against the door shutting it. "Holy wow! Ow ow ow!" I look up at him clutching my jaw. "If I wasn't dead, you would have just broken my jaw!"

"Good. Why are you creeping on Rose?" He crosses his arms.

"I'm not! She fainted in my arms and I brought her here!" I say aggressively. "I would never in my life hurt Rose."

He looks at me with a stern expression for a moment then holds his hand out to me. "Names Jack Jones."

I take his freezing hand in mine. "Wow you're cold. Um, my name is Damen Black." We shake.

He sniffs and releases my hand. "Pretty stupid name." He laughs. "Damen the Demon!" He laughs harder.

"Well your names pretty dumb, too! Uhhh!" I desperately try to think of something. "Jack Frost!"

He stops laughing and holds his fist up to hit me causing me to flinch just as Rose starts waking up.

"Rose!" We say in unison and both run to her bed.

"W-who's there." She barely gets out.

"It's Jack! Are you ok girly?"

"I'm here too jerk!" Am I jealous? Uh oh.

She opens her eyes and looks up at us. "Hi guys?" She says sweetly which completely throws me off.

"What happened?" Jack grabs her hand. "Who do I have to kill."

"I'm not sure actually." She looks down.

"I gave her emotions." A voice says behind us.

Me and Jack both look back to see Venny.

"I thought I was helping." Venny holds his arm nervously.

Jack stands up. "You moron! Rose isn't like us! She was literally crafted by Sateen himself! She is the embodiment of lust! She is not meant to have emotions! She actually can't live with them! They will kill her!" He slams Venny against a wall. "Get them out of her."

"I can't do that, I can only give emotions. I'm a writer."

"No, you're a screw up!" Frost yells.

"Hey don't talk to him like that!" I pull Jack off of him.

"I don't need defending Damen. Especially from you." Venny leaves angrily.

"Wait Venny!" I start to run after him.

"Let him go!" Rose yells.

Me and Jack both look back at her.

"He really did think he was doing something good. Don't get mad at him ok?" She pleads.

Jack looks at her. "Who cares Rose?! You're going to die!"

I looked at both of them. "Wait seriously!?"

Jack turns around. "Yes! With emotions present, she's not fulfilling her purpose."

"It's true. Me and Jack talked about it a few times." She frowns.

"She has to do her job." He looks down.

"Well, I mean, she still can, can't she?" I walk towards them.

"I can't be everything another person lusts for when I'm a person, too." She looks away.

"I'm going to kill him... I'm going to rip his intestines out." Jack stands up and walks towards the door.

I step in front of him. "Hey, the kids been through enough."

"I don't care." Jack pushes me out of the way.

"Jack please." Rose speaks up.

Jack stops walking. "Fine. But I need to cool off for a minute." He exits the room.

I wait a minute. "Hehehe... Jack Frost has to cool off." I look over at Rose. "Who was that guy?"

"A friend." She pauses. "He has a temper."

"That's ironic." I smile and sit next to her. "So, uh, you're a person now. How's that feel?"

"I'm not really sure. I've never felt emotions before." She smiles.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." I chew on my lip. "How'd Venny do it?"

"He told me a story." She frowns.

"Wow. I mean it really has to be one depressing story to literally give the embodiment of lust ., emotions." I laugh.

"Oh, it really was." She laughs too.

There's a knock on the open door. I look over to see Check In.

"Ok, it's pretty bad." he says breathing heavily.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Sateen is releasing everyone."

"Everyone?" I bite my lip harder.

"Everyone." He bites his lip too.


"Apparently the place is too crowded." He shrugs.

"Hell is too crowded?" I put my hand on my face. "Ok, we actually have to do something."

Rose nods in agreement.

"Ooh! Superhero team!" Check In jumps up and down.


"We could call ourselves The Seven Deadly Sins!" Check In smiles.

"Check In... that sounds..."

"Amazing buddy." Rose cuts in.

Jack walks in. "I'm back."

I look at him. "Hey Jack Frost? You wanna join a superhero team called The Seven Deadly Sins?"

"And I'm leaving." He exits back through his door. The door disappears once he's gone.

There's a pause.

"Tell ya what Check In. You have me, Rose and yourself. If you can find four other people, we will do the superhero idea." I sigh.

"Really!?" He claps his hands.


"I'll do it too." Venny enters the room. "Why not?"

Check In looks back at me. "Three more to go!"

Oh no...

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