Chapter Twelve: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

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Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no! "Guys! Get up! Doctor John is gone!" I scream.

"W-wait what?" Frost slowly wakes up.

Check In jumps up "I didn't eat the pudding Mrs. Johnson!" He looks around.

We are confused.

"Well, I didn't." Check In shrugs.

I shake my head. "So, Doctor John is gone! He's just gone!"

"How is that even possible!" Frost stands up.

"Who was supposed to be on watch?" Check In asks.

We all think for a moment then realize who screwed up. Our heads all turn to face Jason who is fast asleep.

I walk over and kick him in the side.

He jolts awake. "What?! Who?! Where?!"

"You moron! You let Doctor John get away!" I throw my hands in the air.

"What?! I... um... I did, didn't I?" He looks around. "Oops..."

Frost gets angry. "OOPS!" He storms over to Jason and shoves him to the floor. "DID YOU JUST HAVE THE GALL TO SAY OOPS?!"

"Frost, buddy, let's calm down a little." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He immediately knocks it off. "This is Rose's rapist we're talking about! You would think her boyfriend would care a little more that he's missing!"

"Look! Of course I'm worried Frost! But you can't just fight people 'cause you're angry!" I yell back.

"You're all useless! Me and Rose were fine without you! But you guys had to just come in and screw it all up!" He shakes his head. He points at Venny. "If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't be dying right now!" He points at Check In. "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even know Doctor John, and Rose wouldn't have been raped!"

Check In grabs his arm and looks down.

Frost looks at Jason. "If it wasn't for you, we would still have the rapist himself!" His hand shakes. Then he points at me. "And if it wasn't for you, she would still be with me!" He Punches me in the eye as hard as he can. Then he runs out of the room.

I clutch my eye in pain but stay quiet.

The room fills with silence.

"I know that feeling." Venny speaks up. He looks up at me. "It was a noble cause Damen. It really was, but obviously, we don't work very well together as a team..." He sighs. "See you guys later." He walks out.

"Frost was right... We ruined his life... We can't fight an all powerful creature if we can't stop one lousy demon... I- I'm sorry... I'm going to go back to the front desk..." Check In looks down and snaps his fingers. He teleports away.

There's a long pause.

"I'm still with ya buddy." Jason puts a hand on my shoulder. "I won't ever leave you."

I smile then start to break down.

He wraps his arms around me. "I've got you bud. I've got you."

I just cry.

All I want to do is save a couple people. Make the world a better place. Is that too much to ask. I mean, I couldn't even save my stupid family... What could ever have made me think I could save the world.

"Let's go have breakfast." Jason releases me and looks me in the eyes.

I nod.

He snaps his fingers and we teleport away.

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