Chapter Two: I'm Depressed and Here's Why.

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I live in apartment 78846532890. Now, of course that number sounds big, but when you realize Hell is infinitely big, it seems a bit small.

Now you're probably very confused. "Apartments? In Hell? What?" Yes, there are apartments in Hell.

It works like this. There are two infinite rows of apartments on either wall of Hell creating a massive hallway of fire and brimstone that goes on forever. Then at the end is a giant casino with Satan's office on the very top floor.

Now you're probably saying, "How can there be an end to an Infinit-" Shut up. Everything is metaphorical here. It doesn't have to make sense.

Anyway, in each apartment is one or more lost souls. Each room is different. They used to be made so that every person's apartment was made to be their personal Hell, but since Sateen is getting too soft, they are basically just living quarters. Each made to fit the person's needs.

Mine is pretty normal. Just a bed, a window and a balcony. That's it. It's small, but honestly, that's all I wanted.

No one ever visits here, so I don't make it look overly nice, and it kinda just stays empty.

I lay in my bed looking up at the white ceiling. No one is forcing me to be here, I just don't feel like getting up. I'm bored.

I mean, I guess I could go meet up with Rose and talk to her. She's always completely emotionless.

She's my closest thing to a friend down here, and she's basically just a succubus. She doesn't feel anything more than lust. And I don't know... Ever since my wife, I haven't really been into that.

I feel empty.

That's the depression I was talking about. Complete loneliness, utter despair. Jees, I sound like Edgar Allan Poe, but like, not in a good way.

I light a cigarette and get up. I slowly walk out into my balcony.

Hell is hot, but in a way, beautiful. The fire burning and constant agonizing screams fill it with life, I guess. Kind of ironic because we're all dead.

Across the way I can see Rose in her apartment. She's drinking something. Probably wine. She likes wine. I like wine too.

She has always been beautiful. I mean, she's a succubus of sorts so, that makes since. She has short auburn hair, and beautiful brown eyes. She always wears the same thing since you don't get dirty in Hell. A short skirt over black leggings and a white t-shirt with suspenders. It's an odd look, but like... she's hot, so I guess she knows what she's doing. She also doesn't wear makeup because her face is perfectly shaped. Well I'm turned on now.

I take another puff of my cigarette.

I look up a bit and see another face I recognize.


He's a shorter man. He always where's this dark hoodie with a hand on the front. And strangely there's always two knives hanging off his belt...

But man, talk about feeling depressed. That kid is the definition of sadness. I thought I was helping when I...

No I screwed up, that was my fault and I know it.

I wasn't always such a good guy, not that I am now, just... I was bad... back then.

The question now is, why is he in Hell too? I mean, suicide isn't a sin, right? Besides, I'm the reason he did it to begin with, so, it's not really his fault.

So why is he here?

Venny's eyes meet mine and I quickly look away. Guilt hits my chest.

Anyway, back to being lonely... I could call Jason, maybe he would want to-

As if on cue, my phone rings. I run over to it and pick it up.


"Damen hunny? I saw you watching me from your balcony. You want something?" Rose says from the other end of the line.

She always sounds so seductive. I honestly can't tell you how much I hate it. I know its not her fault... I just wish she would be real. Like actually care, you know?

"Yeah, no, I'm ok Rose, just demon watching." I frown.

"Well ok, feel free to pop on over here whenever you feel like it. I won't bite." She giggles.

I cringe. "Yeah ok..."

"Love you baby." She sighs.

'No you don't.' I think to myself. "Bye..." I quickly hang up the phone.

I miss my wife.

I lay back down on my bed and close my eyes. I sigh.

Just then the phone rings again.

"Oh for- What now?!" I stand back up angrily and walk over to the phone. I answer "What!?"

"I don't know what's going on for you down there Damen pal, but Hitler just became the Dictator of Germany up here again." The voice says nonchalantly.

I don't know if I've ever heard a stranger thing over the phone in my entire life. "Run that by me again?"

"You know. Hitler. With the weird tiny mustache and the Jew hating stuff."

"Jason. Hitler is dead. He has been for a while actually." I say confused.

"Well tell that to him, because he's not convinced that he is, I guess." Jason sniffs. "He's on my TV."

"I'll be there in a minute." I hang up the phone and grab a good suit followed by my sunglasses.

I then breath in and snap my fingers.

That's how I teleport by the way. 

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