Byte's New Story

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Byte's POV:

With another adventure over and my house mostly empty again, I'm feeling pretty happy even if a bit tired.

Giga's gone, Mags asked if he could have one of my bots as an assistant on his ship. Actually, he asked for Mega, but I saw this as the perfect oppurtunity to keep Giga happy while simutaneously getting Mega to actually learn how to be useful. I miss the squealy lump of metal, but I'm sure she's going to love traveling around the new Galaxy.

All of the Earth scientists are so confused about all of the new stars and are trying to come up with theories about where they came from. No one noticed the attack from Nightmare, and no one's discovered magic yet. Popstar is also still safely under the radar, and any day now, Rose is going to separate the points again. She's moving Nintendo City to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and all of the points to opposite corners, so they'll stay unnoticed. Thankfully, I'll still be able to visit. I've got a teleporter on my side, after all.

Knowing all of these characters really exist in the same universe as me is truly an amazing feeling. They all really breathe now, really live. And I can truly say that I helped to defeat Nightmare, even if all I did was drop a rock on a few monsters and help 'Lor collect everybody to come and help. That's more than what I'd ever done before, excepting the time I mentally beat around Tedium. (One last time, for old times sake: I HATE YOU.)

Now, with a cup of hot homegrown mint tea in my hand, I sit down in my workroom, then notice something strange.

Next to one of my spare laptops, there is a starry-yellow box that I could swear was lost in outer space the other day. How did it get here?

Hesitantly, I pick it up, take it downstairs, and plug it into the TV. For a moment, nothing happens. But then, I'm automatically taken to the castle in Nintendo City, where a short Manga-Head girl with short brown hair and violet eyes is talking to several concept characters that ended up developing over the years into the characters we all know and love today: Mario's Jumpman, Kirby's Popopo and 'Butterfly' Meta Knight, Legend of Zelda's Hero, and a kid that looks like Gary from the oldest Pokemon anime.

The girl, who I recognize as Princess Baika, stands up and announces, "There is a world outside that is practically empty. It is waiting to be filled with new life, new stories, new heroes, new adventures. There are a few of each species already, and they will need to be guided and protected. I call on the Protectors of Imagination to do their part. Who answers this call?"

Popopo stands up. "I answer."

Drawing his sword that looks like it's made of rock candy, 'Butterfly' Meta Knight agrees in a voice quiter than his normal one that we're used to, "I answer."

Grinning, Jumpman announces, "I-a answer a-too!"

Hero nods simply and silently.

"Well, there has to be some reason why I came, right?" Gary grins at them all.

Smiling, Baika nods, then frowns. "But where is the Proctector of Imagination from the Ancients' Point?"

That's right. The Darkness was sent in the first time, not programmed in, so the Ancients' Point is still there and safe, just unpopulated.

After only a split second of hesitation, I dash to my teleporter and send myself into the box. The box came back because it needs me, and to tell the truth, I kinda need it. Eh, I can come back to reality if I need to, but this is my chance to become a true Ancient, to actually be there to guide, protect, and help the heroes from the start of all worlds.

Seconds later, I'm standing in front of the empty chair at the table. I'm dressed like I was when I mentally fought Tedium, with my green Dimensional Cape, Master Sword, and Warp Star.

Grinning, I tell the mildly surprised others around the table, "I'm Byte, I'm an Ancient, and I answer the call."

Nodding once, Baika lifts a violet thread of Light up into the air. Popopo holds up a paw, Hero and 'Butterfly' Meta Knight raise their swords, Gary holds up a Pokeball, and I point my Master Sword to the sky.

With a bright grin, Baika says, "And so begins the glorious World of Nintendo. With the Star Power to guide us and the Protectors of Imagination to do his bidding, we will now begin to fill a nigh-empty world with magic and wonder."

It's just like Ojiisan said over a month ago, a new Nintendo World is beginning. This time around, there's only one Ancient to start with, but I'm gonna stay as long as I can. Who knows? Maybe even now, there are still others who would love to fill a world with new magic and creatures. Soon, I'll go back outside into the real world and find them, and together we'll create a world just as unique and special and alive as the first one.

With imagination, the possibilities are limitless. Every story can be told in an infinite number of ways with an infinite number of new main or supporting characters. Imagination is never static. It's always alive, always moving. Even when tyrants like Tedium try to eat it up and destroy it, it's still there, hiding somewhere, getting ready to fight back.

May the Hall of Entrusting Heaven live forever, may imagination never die, and may the days of all be filled with a Light so bright that no Darkness can black it out.

This is the end of my part in the story that you have come to follow, dear Reader. But it's only the beginning of the new story that I will be a character in.

Maybe someday someone will find my story and share it with the world.

Maybe that someone will be you.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now