The Legend of Sir Arthur, Part 2

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Arthur's POV:

The arrival of the starship of new recruits at the base I was sent to was met with little ceremony. None of us were really bothered, everyone was out busy becoming heroes, after all.

Upon the first time we were called out to battle, I was stunned to be informed that since I was a lieutenant general, I received special 'privileges' and was therefore not required to fight. Well, so what if I wasn't 'required?' I wanted to go earn some glory too, so I went.

It was not at all what I was expecting.

I won't go into detail, but just know that for someone who was still a bit of a young boy at heart, who thought he was heading into some great adventure, it was a rude awakening. It was terrible. It was horrible. And it is something that I will never remember fondly.

Rather than boring you with details about battle after battle, I will skip to one of the 'good' parts.

I am sure that you have heard about Meta Knight and his quest to find Galaxia, and the very sad loss of Corporal Garlude along the way. I knew about Garlude's... 'situation,' and had tried to persuade her to go home to her family, but she had refused. It wasn't often that you found someone fighting for such pure intentions, and it was awe-inspiring to see that a mother's love would even give her the strength to part from her child in order to protect her and try to give her a safe Galaxy to live in, so I let her stay. Had I known that she was not going to come back from the mission to obtain the star sword, I would have chosen someone else. But, what's past is past.

In the First Star Warriors' War, no one believed in Galaxia. Everyone knew that it was just a myth, just a story made up by a few Star Warriors sitting around some campfire. But there was one legend that we put more stock in: The Legend of the Lake of Light and Darkness.

According to the legend, there was a magical lake that contained no water but was rather filled with pure Star-Light in one half and concentrated Darkness on the other. The two sides did not mix with each other at all, but were completely and totally separated straight down the exact center of the perfectly round lake. The rumor that had grown alongside the legend claimed that if one was to find this lake, (or technically, if he was chosen by the lake for him to find it. the lake could move wherever it wished, and only appeared to those whom it chose,) he had two options. Well, three technically, but the third one no one would have ever thought to consider.

That third option would have been to turn and leave without another thought about the lake, but no one would choose that when offered the first two choices. The one who was blessed (or cursed, it depended on how you looked at it) enough to find this lake was to draw his sword, and then choose which side of the lake to dip it into.

If dipped in the Light side, the sword would become a slightly weaker form of star sword known as a celestial sword, an instrument of Light and purity used more for rescue and guidance than for harm. Nowhere near as great as that sword of myth, Galaxia, but still very strong and mighty. A star sword is the best weapon any Star Warrior can carry, in the opinion of the majority and myself, anyway. But in addition to receiving an 'upgraded' sword, the warrior would also receive a set of armor that reflected their true soul, just as I thought my wings reflected my soul.

If dipped in the Dark side, however, the sword would become a terrible weapon made of a substance stronger and sharper than even Galaxia itself. But the warrior would be given a set of armor that would not reflect their soul, but would make them appear to be a shining hero. But the one who chose power and strength over purity and justice would be cursed to a miserable life filled with naught but the desire of power and glory, and eventually, a miserable end in which all power and glory they had scraped together for themselves in life would be lost.

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