Rejoice While You Can...

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Falspar's POV:


"Sir Arthur! Sir Arthur!" I shout as I careen into the castle library. Sir Arthur is standing and looking at a bookcase that is flickering like crazy, all of the books on it being replaced by solid book-shaped rectangles filled with the light-green code that makes up the Void. Everything has been acting like this all day today. In some places, stuff has actually burst out of its casing, casuing the code to go flying off into the Void, leaving whatever object it used to be no longer existent.

After he's nodded to acknowledge me, I force my voice to be calm and inform him, "Sir, the Void has reached the edge of the planet. We've got maybe an hour left before it's all..." my voice shakes, so I clear my thoat and try again, "Before it's all gone."

Nodding again, he finally turns to look at me. "I hate this feeling of helplessness. I hate having to watch all of these people go to their deaths without being able to stop it. At least in the War there was comfort in the fact that all who died gave their lives to a noble cause. But this, this is just going to be innocent lives being taken for nothing, nothing! And there is no way to fight it or prevent it!" Angrily, he overturns a small table, making both me and the thread of pink Light resting in his helmet's ponytail jump, then turns back to the bookshelf and leans his head against it. I've actually never seen him this angry before.

Typically, when he gets mad, he gets quiet, just like Meta Knight. I'd always just assumed that Sir Arthur didn't have a limit to how much he could take, unlike Meta Knight, who can eventually be pushed too far and rush at you in rage. Trust me, I've been on the receiving end of his anger a couple of times (always because of something stupid I did) and I can therefore tell you from experience that it's not fun. But apparently, even Sir Arthur has a breaking point, where it all finally is just too much.

Just then, Dragato hurries in. "Nearly everyone in the Galaxy has been placed on this island, Sir. If there was panic, people would end up getting trampled." That's when he notices the table lying on its side with a shattered vase lying next to it that fell off of it, making him take a deep breath and a step back. Just like me, he's not interested in being the recipient of Sir Arthur's anger.

The way I see it, Sir Arthur is sort of like a lion. If he wants to protect you, he'll protect you with all he's got, including his life. But if you try to hurt those under his protection, he will go after you with everything he's got. You always want to have him on your side.

Silently, Sir Arthur just shakes his head, then sadly orders. "Try to keep everyone calm. Remind them... remind them that death is only the next great adventure."

Dragato and I stare at each other in shock. Stuttering, I disbelievingly exclaim, "S-sir, you can't possibly mean that you have-"

Nodding once, Sir Arthur interrupts, "I am sorry, Falspar, but yes. It is time to give up, boys. We've done all we can. If this is what the Star Power intends for us, if this is where our paths must end, then there is nothing we can do to change it. All we can do is face it bravely, and with strong hearts." After a long pause, he asks, "Where is Nonsurat?"

"Here, Sir," Nonsurat murmurs quietly, walking in through the door. The three of us place our hands behind our backs and stand at attention.

Looking at us proudly, he says, "I am very proud of what all of you have become. You have lost family, lost friends, lost love, all for the sake of protecting your Galaxy. You are all true warriors, and I am honored to call you my sons."

The three of us stare at each other, then all smile to ourselves. Arthur has felt like our father for a long time, and we've even referred to him as such when talking to each other sometimes, but now it's official. Of course, this also means that we're brothers, which also feels right.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now