What Have We Done?

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Byte's POV:

Sighing, I open my eyes from a lovely nap and proceed to just enjoy being in Dreamland. I've never been here before, Rose first found me in the Mushroom Kingdom, and then I went to the Forbidden point. From there I went to Nintendo City, then to the ocean, then back to the Forbidden point, then more ocean, and then back to Nintendo City. And then I went home, so I've never been to Hyrule or Pokemonland yet. But that's not much of a problem, once I get a teleporter set up somewhere it'll only be a quick trip from here to my house.

My house. Oh, just brilliant.

Urgently, I bolt upright and start looking urgently around for my laptop. When I can't find it, I sigh and decide that it must have not made it through the miniature 'big bang' that took place when we copy-pasted the Galaxy into the real world. That's what we did, by the way. Copy-pasted everything from the box into the real world. Pretty awesome, huh? All of the characters, even the ones the box made on its own, are really real now. And all thanks to Byte's Better Incorporated. Please, hold your cheers.

Sakura and Meta Knight, who before now had been sitting on the side of the Fountain of Dreams and talking to each other, look up at me quizzically. Looking a little bit concerned, Sakura wonders, "Byte? What's wrong?"

Shaking my head, I sigh and tell her, "It's just that I can't find my laptop. The others probably think we're all 'deaded' by now."

Raising an eyebrow, Sakura mutters, "Deaded?" making MK give a small chuckle.

"It's a Magolor thing," I smirk at her, then rub my temples. "This is... not great."

Laughing, she points out mischievously, "Surely you have some sort of piece of technology that you chain yourself to, every Human does."

Whacking myself in the forehead, I mutter, "Oh, duh," and pull my handheld supercomputer out of my jeans pocket, making her giggle at me again while Meta Knight gives us both a strange look.

Concerned, he mumbles, "'Chain themselves to?' Why on earth would anyone chain themselves to anything?"

Rolling my eyes as I pull up my email to tell the others we're okay, I mutter back to him, "She's exaggerating." Just then, my ringer starts going off. "Oh, hold on. I probably need to take this."

Sighing in bemusement, Sakura murmurs to MK, "I'm barely exaggerating. In the time we came from,  people chained themselves mostly to tablets, smartphones, and similar stuff."

Eyes glowing dark green in confusion, MK sighs, "In what world is a tablet considered high-tech? It is either paper, or a form of medicine... Do they have to carry medicine with them everywhere for fear of disease? If so, how do we know we have not brought some deadly virus back to Popstar with us?"

Crossing her arms, Sakura sighs, "Not that sort of a tablet, Meta. It's like the thing Byte's holding, only probably not as high-tech and quite a bit bulkier."

As his eyes return to a normal golden-yellow, he nods in partial understanding. "I see... er, I think I see, anyway."

Meanwhile, I'm busy talking to the guy that does the cover art for my games. "Thanks. Yeah, thanks. No, thank you. Okay, I have to go now. Yeah, it was nice talking to you too. What do you mean, you want me to hang up first? Okay, okay, I get it. I'll hang up first." I then hang up, making Sakura laugh at me.

"Poor guy," she shakes her head. "He tries to be cute, and you hang up on him."

Lost, I mutter, "He said he wanted me to hang up first..."

Smiling knowingly, she sighs, "I know he did." Frowning, she then mutters, "Did Dedede set up Cappy Town's first cell phone service while we were gone or something? You shouldn't be getting any signal out here."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now