Fun With Computers

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Bandana's POV:

Sakura keeps pacing back and forth impatiently inside some of the shrubbery outside of the 'NoA' place we're going to while we wait for Sakurai to show up and let us in. She's got her Ninja scarf on, but pulled down like a bandana so that we can see her face. You know, I'm sure Sakura could get us in herself, but I'm also sure that Meta Knight doesn't want us breaking and entering unless we absolutely have to. Not like he could talk, Mr. I-Built-A-Battleship-Under-The-Castle-Without-Telling-Anyone-Other-Than-My-Army-At-Least-Twice.

Pouting a bit, I cross my arms and stare up at the sky. It's almost dawn, now. Late-night flights aren't fun, 'cause you're tired when you get on, and then you don't sleep well, so you're still tired when you get off. I've only flown on a plane twice, and I can already tell you this as a matter of fact. At least the Starcutter had beds that were actually pretty comfortable.

Actually, I've been thinking about asking Magolor if I can work for him like Sailor Dee started doing not too long ago. At least then Sailor and I could hang out, and traveling the Galaxy sounds pretty fun to me. Plus, if Mags has got me around, he'll eat way better than he does now. I'm no great chef, but I'm better at cooking than he is, mostly thanks to lessons from Sakura. Kirby just eats all of the ingredients whenever she tries to teach us, but I actually try to listen.

Really, the best times are when Kirby's off doing something else so Sakura can give me her undivided unattention. I'm used to being ignored, but it really gets old after a long enough of a time. It's terrible, not being able to get anyone to notice you.

Sorry, but I'm feeling a little bit sour about not being allowed to hang out with the other Waddle Dee. Of course I have to come along and help, I'm part of the quartet, but it would be nice if someone asked if I wanted to come instead of just assuming I did.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Shut up and quit whining, Bandana. Whatever.

Suddenly, Meta Knight and Sakura's heads both snap up, probably meaning that Video Game Guy is almost here. "Finally," Sakura mutters and crosses her arms. You can tell that she's starting to warm up to Sakurai, but she still seems a little bitter about... something. I don't know, maybe she's just jealous of us 'provided' characters. I have to admit, I'm kinda glad to not just be a Random, to know that someone actually cared about how I was put together, instead of just being some randomly-generated code or whatever that was thrown together at the last minute before I came to be.

Gently, I nudge Kirby with my paw until he blinks himself awake. He fell asleep not long after we boarded the plane, and he didn't wake up after we landed, even through being carried by Sakura by the paws all the way here. Seriously, sometimes I think Kirby could sleep through a giant plant growing under his house and picking him up off of the ground.

Yawning, he asks, "Is it time to kick Solar into the next galaxy yet?"

Smiling a bit, Sakura nods, "Almost. You looking forward to it or something, buddy?"

Nodding sleepily as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, he murmurs, "Yeah, poyo. I'm a hero, badguy-kicking is my job. Although I'd kinda like to change my career to 'royal food-taster' sometimes."

Chuckling softly, Meta Knight disagrees, "No, you would like to change your career to 'universal food-taster.' You are not picky, as long as there is food to be tasted, you are happy."

Giggling, still a little bit bleary, Kirby agrees, "Yeah. Sounds good to me, Mety." Sakura giggles at him while Meta Knight's slightly-amused expression changes to one of annoyance.

Grinning, Sakura points out, "Hey, look on the bright side. You only have one name with a few nicknames. I've got Sakura, Blossom, Yuki, Flower, probably more..."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now