Another New Arrival

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Link's POV:

Groaning, I open my eyes and find myself sitting on a wrought-metal bench in a dark and walled-in place that I don't recognize, filled with strange metal... chariots, maybe? They have chairs inside, but they don't look like anything I've ever seen before. And where would you put a horse to pull it?

Frowning to myself, I stand up, then draw my sword and quietly whisper, "Fi." Strangely, she doesn't come. That is really unlike her... Normally, as soon as she is summoned, she hops right out without a second of hesitation. Trying again, I order, "Come out, Fi." When she still doesn't come, I begin to notice that it feels like the sword is... empty, like my constant computerized companion has somehow vanished.

Beginning to feel nervous, I start to quickly walk away from my current location. I must be in some sort of dungeon. That's the only logical explanation. But how did I get here? I remember being in Nintendo City, being swallowed by that gaping hole in the fabric of space and time, and then soaring through that strange place with the other heroes. All of those desperately floating letters and numbers, all of the chaos and disarray... Were we somehow inside the Great Void?

Come to think of it, the text that said 'nintendoworld.exe crash in progress' brings to mind a prophecy that I read long ago.

When the Nightmare of evil returns and attacks, when all hope of the Light ones seems lost,

When the fabric of time and space is torn apart, and swallows many good souls, a terrible cost,

Torn by the one who shone brighter than a hundred suns, but fell into Darkness blacker than night,

And the by one whose hands bring healing and peace, who will help to fight Darkness with magic of Light,

When all of the heroes have been swallowed up and taken far away,

When the Galaxy is eaten up by the Void, when we reach our final day

Then is when, dear ones, I am afraid, the prophecies come to their end.

We will all crash into the end of all worlds, never to be so guided again.

The Prophecy of Fate, or so it is called on Hyrule. I wonder if any of the other points have this prophecy? I suppose they must, because from what I understood from speaking with the others before being so forcefully brought here, the two who did the tearing were both Star Warriors, one by the name of Solar, and one known as Sakura. Either way, the end of all worlds is upon us, and there is nothing I can do to try to help slow it or prevent it until I can get back to Nintendo City.

Walking quickly, I find my way out of the strange, tall dungeon, and out onto a crowded road. Everyone is walking toward a tall building, taller than any I've ever seen before, which has a huge sign that shouts 'Comic-con Today!'

Everyone around me is dressed in such strange clothes... Capes and swords and things that I have no name for, everywhere... Wait. Is that guy dressed as me? What in the name of the Goddess is going on here?

What is a 'comic-con?' I wonder, but then am suddenly spoken to by a teenaged girl that looks sort of like a shorter version of Rinda.

"Sorry to bother you, just had to say, that is some awesome cosplay! Link FTW!" she grins at me. "I can't wait for Wind Waker HD, What about you?"

"Um, what?" I frown back, completely and totally lost.

After frowning back at me for a second, she then laughs and nods. "You're in character. I get it. Well, got to go. Nice meeting you!" She runs off, leaving me even more lost than before. What is this strange place? What sort of coded message is 'FTW?' What in Hyrule is cosplay?

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora