All The Right Points' People...

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Magolor's POV:

"Hiya, everybody! The Lor Starcutter says she's ready, willing, and able to be the flagship!" I shout as I throw open the doors of the castle library, which Meta-Not has dubbed the 'war office,' and float in. "So we're good to go there, lady and gentlemen!"

No one answers. Meta Knight is pacing back and forth in typical Meta Knight fashion, everyone else is seated in various places around the room, looking worried. Uh-oh.

"What's happened?" I squeal, panicked.

Glancing over at me, Meta-Not commands, "Nothing that calls for panicking, so stop. It is just that Rose has disappeared, and no one can find her. She left a thread of Light as a way for us to tell if she was all right, but it seems to be doing the same thing as Sakura's. See?" He holds up the hand that Sakura's thread is wound around and uses it to point to a desk where Rose's red Light is lying, looking sad and lost.

"That's not good," I gulp. "Where did Princess 1 and Princess 2 go?"

Grinning weakly, Kirby tells me, "I'm sure they're both fine. That's not the only reason we're all sitting in here. There's something else."

Nervous, I question, "Something better, or something worse?" This is just great. Y'know, working twelve-hour shifts at Burger Dee wasn't so bad... At least I wasn't always either in trouble or busy being involved with some heroic endeavor. Eh, who am I kidding? I hated that place. Space is a heck of a lot awesomer. Like me!

"Something way better," Mr. Bandana Dee reassures me. "You'll see in just a-"

There's the sound of an overjoyed squeal, and in through the door comes a couple of guys I've never seen before, both using a Luma for transportation.

One whoops, "Hey-a everybody! Eet's-a me, Mario!" He's about Rose's height, (quite a bit wider, though, ha!) he has brown hair and blue eyes, and a rather large mustache. He wears a red hat with an 'M' on it, and matching red and blue overalls.

"And it's-a Luigi!" the other cheers. He's quite a bit taller (and skinnier! heh!) than the other guy, and also has brown hair and blue eyes. He wears green and blue overalls very similar to 'Mario's,' and a green hat with an 'L' on it.

"Mario!" Kirby cheers, running over and attaching himself to the new guy's leg like a koala. "Yay! How are you? Hi to you too, Luigi!"

"I'm-a good, a-Kirby!" the shorter guy grins at him. To tell the truth, he kinda gives me the creeps. What's with the weird voices? Although, I guess I can't talk, I sound sort of like a hybrid of a parakeet and a chipmunk, or so I've been told many times. People call it 'pipsqueak-y.' I call it 'AWESOME.'

Nodding happily, the taller guy agrees, "Yeah, I'm-a good too!"

"Hey, Meta-Not," I drift over near to him and then murmur out of the corner of my mouth, "Who are those guys, anyways?"

"They are Mario and Luigi. They are brothers, heroes from the Mushroom Kingdom point," Meta Knight explains calmly. "We should be having other people arrive soon, as well. Would you please go turn on that PC in the corner that keeps flashing 'PC.dll' under its surface, so that Ash does not get stuck in-between computers?"

Confused, I give a him a weird look, but do so anyway. Sure enough, a few seconds later, a guy, a girl, and a weird-looking critter that looks like a thing I've seen here in town all show up, just randomly appearing out of nowhere, right next to the desk that the strangely-flickering PC sits on.

"Hey," the guy sighs, stretching and accidentally knocking the critter off of his shoulder. "Wassup, everybody?"

"Pika-pika," the critter glares at him, then shouts, "Pikachuuuuu!" and shocks the poor kid, knocking him over. Yeesh. Remind me to stay on that thing's good side. I hope it has a good side, anyway. It's yellow with red circles on its cheeks, and a tail that's shaped like a bolt of lightning, with brown patches on it. Oh, and the tips of its ears are dark brown, too.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now