Wakanda to Asgard; Finally Home.

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-Wakanda, medical facility-

Third person's point of view.

"You sure about this?" Steve asks Thordis, as she stands outside, in a clear and open field. "Yeah, it's not safe to have me around here anymore. So long as that book is still out there I'm a danger to you, to Bucky, to anyone. It would break my heart to wake up one day and find out that I had an episode and killed everyone." Steve sighed at her.

"He's not going to like this." Steve said and she nodded, "Well, it's most dangerous for him because he's always around, that's why I wanted to leave before he got here." she said and took a step back, a bag with her Winter Soldier clothing in it and her new arm gleaming prettily as it was bare of any red star paint.

"Don't you dare leave without me!" Bucky shouted while barreling into the clearing. "Who told him where we were?" Thordis hissed to Steve, looking around a still sprinting Bucky, he sighed, "T'Challa did." Thordis sighed aggressively and dropped her bag as Bucky stumbled over to her winded and panting.

His hands fisting the slightly too small sweater he had lent her. "You're...not...leaving me...again." Bucky panted as he straightened up, his hands still gripping her sweater. "What would you have me do then, James?" she said calling him by his birth name knowing it was one of his peeves.

"Stay or take me with you." he said giving her two options. "And what about Steve? If I take you will me, what will he do without you?" Bucky looked over at Steve who was hit with the full force of his big blue puppy eyes. "Oh my lord?! Are you using that on me?" Steve said while laughing. "I can't stop you from doing what you want Buck, just make sure it's absolutely what you want."

Smiling Bucky hugged Steve who grunted slightly, still sore from his fight with Tony, Steve being the one how took most of the beating. "Alright, just make sure you guys don't stay away too long." Steve said as Bucky pulled away, "Steve if you ever need us, just call out, Heimdall will hear you and send us running back."

Steve nodded and the couple backed up, T'Challa coming into view threw Bucky a duffle of clothing and necessities and Thordis picked up her own bag. Blowing Steve a quick goodbye kiss, Thordis called to Heimdall, who effortlessly opened the Bifrost and sucked up bother her and Bucky.


When the couple landed in the Bifrost chambers, Bucky hunched over as he felt as if his insides were going to come out of him somehow. "Sorry, I should have warned you beforehand." Bucky swallowed hard and waved her off, "I'm fine...just give me a moment." Turning to face Heimdall, Thordis was greeted by the Warriors Three jumping to hug her.

"PRINCESS THORDIS!!!!" they all roared and landed on her, obviously unable to hold them all up they topped over and dog-piled her. There were choruses of 'we missed you's and 'we thought you were dead's while they all sobbed happy tears on her, she groaned under their weight but it wasn't till Loki came and shouting at them to get off of her did they move.

Bucky pulled Thordis to her feet and she thanked him with a quick kiss, Loki seeing this, frowned. He may not be evil anymore, doesn't mean his affections for Thordis went away, he still wanted to be with her, romantically. Thundering footsteps and the hoofbeats of an eight-legged horse sounded on the bridge leading to the Bifrost chambers.

Everyone moved when they heard the all to the familiar sound of their King and First Prince. "Where is she!" Thor boomed as he and Odin walked in, Thordis seeing him first raced towards him, "Daddy!" seeing her, he met her halfway and caught her in a huge hug that would have made Bucky pop if he were on the receiving end of it.

"Oh, Dis I am so glad you are well." nodding against his neck he set her down and Bucky could see that she got everything from him, the height the hair, the eyes, even the skin tone and proportioned body mass, hers more feminine obviously. She was at least three or four inches shorter than him.

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