70 years later.

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Bucky's point of view.

The last thing I remember was the plane crashing and Steve and I talking to Peggy, while I held a photo of Siobhan. And cold everything was really cold. But now, I was too warm, and the sound of a baseball game that I know I went to with Steve and Siobhan playing on a radion from somewhere to my right. It was too strange, my eyes were heavy and my limbs were tight and my joints hurt as if I had slept too long in the same possition and they just locked that way. Slowly peeling my eyes open everything seemed familiar but gave off the feeling of foreign territory.

Sitting up slowly, I noticed Steve in a bed like mine to my right, getting up I stumbled over to him and I touched his shoulder shaking it softly, "Steve..." I called and he only stirred a bit. Nudging him again he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me startled a bit. "Bucky?" he mumbled and I nodded, "Hey, you okay?" he nodded and I helped him up, he wobbled at first like I did then he was okay after a moment, "Does that game..." "Sound familiar? yeah." I said finishing his sentence.

About to say more we were cut off by the entrance of a woman with brown curly hair and plum lipstick in a olive green army skirt and tan dress shirt and tie, "Good morning." then she looked at her watch, "Or should I say afternoon?" she smiled at us but I could feel something was wrong. "Where are we?" Steve asked, "You're in a recovery room in New York City." Listening to the rest of the game we figured it out, and I turned to the woman, "Where are we really?" hesitating she used the 'I'm-afraid-I-don't-understand' routine. It wouldn't work on us. "The game. It's from May 1941. we won, I know 'cuase we were there." Stepping past Bucky Steve faced the woman.

"Now, I'm not going to ask you again. Where are we?" I noticed her press something in her hand as she spoke, "Captain Rogers, Sargent Barnes--" "Who are you!" Steve snapped when the door opened and three guys came in, all dressed in black gear, Steve and I backed up and when they rushed us we defended ourselves. Throwing the three guys out the wall, we jumped through and ran. As we ran the woman's voice came through on a speaker, "I repeat, All agents, code 13!" As men chased us, we pushed them away and continued going till we got outside, running in the street we didn't recognize half the things around us but we still continued to run.

Cars honked and people yelled, but we kept going, I was more than ready to keep running but Steve seemed to be overwhelmed by everything around us, and when I stopped to look I wouldn't deny that I too was overwhelmed. Cars suddenly pulled up and surrounded us, a man somewhere shouted, "At ease, soldier." but I couldn't tell whom had said it. So I stood back to back with Steve in case we needed to fight our way out. Looking over Steve's shoulder at a tall black man with an eye patch as he approched us, he said, "Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you two slowly." I didn't want to believe any of this.

"Break what?" I asked as Steve panted, "You two have been asleep. For almost 70 years." Taking it in, my brain started to hurt. There was no way, I'd find her see her now. Absolutley no way. Falling to my knees, the glint of silver caught my eye as I looked at the ring she gave me. At least I still had this. Steve's hand on my shoulder reassured me, ad he gave it a squeeze, "You two going to be okay?" I didn't answer while Steve did, "Yeah, yeah I just...I had a date." Kneeling with me Steve pulled me to my feet and looped his arm around my waist while my arm hung around his shoulders. "Come we'll help you get settled in." The guy with the patch said. 'I don't think I will ever get settled in.' I thought as I climbed into the car next to Steve.

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