Return to Camp.

666 34 15

⚡️Thordís | Siobhan ⚡️

Walking back into the base, with all the rescued soldiers of the 107th, the men of the army all stood around the gates watching amazed, having lost my helmet left my face exposed and my hair free flowing, and from the fighting and the explosions had destroyed my cloak and other loose hanging clothing, and having taken one too many plasma shots from the HYDRA men had ruined my breast plate so I had to throw it, leaving me in only my second layer of protective armor and my leather pants and boots. With my sword at my hip and my shield on my back I could see the last bits of my cloak and leather skirt holding closed the wounds of the severely injured.

"Hey, Look it's Lady America!" some men called as I walked in next to the second tank, I left the lead to Steve and Bucky, and kept my eyes on the surroundings and the wounded, looking to whom had called it was the men that Steve and I had preformed for before we left. There were several cat calls that I had happily ignored and showed that I was ignoring them by helping a guy that almost fell over, looping his arm across my broad shoulder he thanked me and we kept going, several doctors had come to the men carrying other wounded and took them to be looked after. When all was squared away, I saw Steve talking with Coronel Philips, rushing over I got there just as Philips left.

"What happened?" but after Peggy had spoken to Steve she yanked me into a hug. "You are late." Patting her back I apologized and Bucky's voice rang out over the loud talking of the others chatting. "Hey! Let's give it up to Captain and Lady America!" Smiling I quickly reached over to Bucky and grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss, making the men shout and cheer even more. "I have been wanting to do that for the longest time." I said and he looked like he was at a loss for words.


After our meeting with Philips about the other bases and the locations of HYDRA, I had gone home to change and dress in something to go to the bar in, I had opted for my white navel uniform but Peggy had rejected it and dug around in my closet for something she thought would be better. Pulling out a navy blue dress with a sweetheart bodice and lace collar and sleeves, I put it on, and added a black belt with a gold buckle, with simple black heels and a short white fur coat, I left my hair wavy and tossed over the right side of my head, my lips were painted ruby red and my eye shadow was nude.

 Pulling out a navy blue dress with a sweetheart bodice and lace collar and sleeves, I put it on, and added a black belt with a gold buckle, with simple black heels and a short white fur coat, I left my hair wavy and tossed over the right side of ...

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Standing at my door, I waited for Peggy, whom had decided to get ready at my place. She wore the red dress I had pointed out because I had remembered that Steve liked the color. "Peggy, come on, we'll be late and if you make me late for my date with Bucky, then I'm gonna kick your butt." Walking out of my spare room Peggy smiled when I took in how she looked, "You look lovely." she said the same to me and then we left. Getting to the bar, Peggy had walked in first having already given her coat and then I passed off my own.

The boys Steve must have asked to join him in our mission were in the middle of drinking and singing when we stepped into view several of the other men had already moved to let us pass and when it got quiet except for the piano still going, Steve and Bucky leaned their heads out of the door to see Peggy and myself standing next to each other. Giving Peggy a quick greeting, Bucky came over to me and smiled, "You look absolutely stunning." blushing I couldn't help the red tint adding to the makeup I already wore. "Thank you, Sargent." taking my hand he kissed it softly before we moved to the dance floor.

"Oh, Siobhan, Stark has some equipment for you and Steve to try tomorrow morning." I nodded to her and we were off to the dance floor. Twirling out then back into Bucky's chest he held me close and I marveled and relished in the comfort of having him with in reach. "I missed you." I said into his neck, as he leaned his head on mine. "I missed you too. Not a moment went by that I wasn't thinking of you and hoping that I would get to see you again, and when I was in that chair and you showed up I thought I was looking at an angel." Giggling and blushing I looked up at him and stroked his cheek which had slight stubble from not shaving, and kissed the other, leaving my lipstick in the shape of my lips on his cheek.

Blushing to the shade on his cheek, I smiled and whispered, "Mine." and kissed him on the lips. Pulling away he nodded, "Yours." dancing some more Steve cut in and I smiled at him while Bucky went to get more drinks. "You ready for the rest of this war?" leading him through the dance I nodded, "As I'll ever be, but I think I'll still worry about you two." nodding he seemed to understand why I would be so worried. "We'll protect each other so don't worry too much." smiling I nodded and then we went to get out drinks from Bucky. I giggled at the girly drink Bucky got me. Sitting with the rest of the team, I finished my drink in two gulps and went to get a pint.

"Wow, she drinks like a man." Duggan said, then nudged Bucky, "Good find man." Bucky clapped the round hatted man on the shoulder and sipped his drink, none of them knowing that I could drink all of them under the table without really trying.


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